New life

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Heyo! Imma try to keep it short on the intro from now on. Love you all!


Two years ago this world seemed to be of many complications. Naruto couldn't figure out anything. But that was two years ago.

Naruto had become an expert in this world. He now knows how to use modern technology and figured out the laws and regulations. It was also thanks to the packet hew could figure thing out.

Naruto was sitting in class at the back of the room. He was now a third year at his middle school and this was there last day there.

He had been the schools top student. He was a lot smarter than what people took him for. He was a bigger genius than Neji.

Though deep down he was still in a lot of pain. His trust is at 0 along with self-esteem. He's traumatized and depressed but he never shows it. He had created a new mask. One stronger than the last never to be broken. His snails hiding the pain deep inside him.

He kept acting like the goof he always was.

His class had just started and the teacher was quieting the students down before bringing out there career forms.

"This class is very hopeful this year! You all want to be hero's and you all have strong quirks for the kind of job!"

She happily smiled while passing the forms back. Everyone was cheering and showing of there quirks.

"Naruto your applying for UA aren't you!"

Everyone quieted down after the statement.

"Yep! Either go big or go home!"

All the girls swooned over him while the boy mocked him.

"That's so cool Naru-Chan~ I know you can do it!"

"Yeah when you make it big I'll be your number one fan."

"Aww thanks guys!"

Deep down they made him sick. They reminded Him of the academy girls.

Smol time skip~

Naruto was on his shift at the Café. He would never admit it but his work places where like his homes away from home.

He worked at a café with a simple yet stylish work outfits. He wore a black shirt and black pants with a small white apron on his hips. He then had white roller blades on to keep the café style cliché.

He had just finished up with a table when another costumer walked in. He had split hair and heterochromatic eyes.

The boy proceeded to sit down and wait. Naruto grabbed his note book and skated over to the table.

"Heya! I'm Naruto and I'm going to be your sever today!"

The boy looked at him. If his quirk where laser eyes Naruto would've dropped dead. Naruto trying not to show any emotion went to distract from his face.

" I haven't seen you around here before is this your first time here?"

The boy looked at him for a few more seconds before responding.

"Yeah, this is my first time."

" So do you know what you want?"

He was doing it again, Staring in Naruto's soul. To say the least he was definitely getting uncomfortable.

"Can I have some cold Soba please?"

"Ahh yes of course! Anything else!?"

"No that will be it."

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