Chapter 4

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Austin POV

When we arrived to school i saw some boys staring at becky. They were checking her out no they are not going to take her away from me. i went up to Becky and hugged her "Austin are you okay?" but before she could say anything i else i leaned in to kiss her but she turned so i only kissed her cheek "AUSTIN we are not dating therefore we cant kiss yet" i looked at the guys and they just turned and left good they should know Becky is going to be my future girlfriend.

"Hello Austin what are you looking at?"

"Nothing im sorry is just i dont like guys seeing you the wrong way."

"Aw you care thats so sweet"

Becky hugged me tight then i grabbed her bag and said " come on i dont want you to be late to class" she smiled at me and we walked to the front of the school

When we entered it was pretty quite then One of Beckys friends came and took her away from me

"ill see you at lunch Austin thanks for the ride" I gave her her bag and a quick hug i guess now i have to wait till i see her again..

Becky POV

"Wait did Austin give you a ride here?"

" Yes lisa is there a problem?"

"No of course not just.."

"What tell me"

" i dont think you should date him"

"why not?"

"Because he recently broke up with camila and i dont think you want problems with her"

"Of course i dont but i mean what ever happens happens now come on lets go and fix the auditorium lights"

Lunch time

Before i got in line to get my lunch i felt someone grab my hand

"Hey babe i missed you"

"Austin stop calling me that :) i get shy"

"its cute when you get shy now lets go get some lunch im hungry"

" haha yeah"

We went to go sit at the table with karla And Carlos

" So are yall dating or what?" Carlos asked

"of course they are there practically together 24/7 now" Karla told carlos

"No were not" i said

"yet.." Austin said in a low voice

After we finished eating Austin and I just talked when a flash went off

"Karla are you taking Pictures of us?!"

"Sorry is just yall looked so cute ;)"

Austin then got his phone out and said well if we look so cute lets take a picture Becky

We took a silly picture of us sticking our tongues out :p haha

"can i post it?"

" yeah sure"

After School..

Austin POV

" Okay here we are thanks for letting me give you a ride today becky"

"haha No thank you"

i walked her to her door but before She got into her house i said

"Becky wait..."

"Yes Austin?"



"i..will see you tomorrow."

"Okay Austin"

"ill pick you up at 8?"

" Yeah okay see you then"

she then got into her house and i walked towards my car

When i got home i got into the shower ate and then talked on the phone with becky until we both fell asleep.

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