Chapter Eighteen

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𝓗yacinthus Orientalis
- resilience

Ankai exhaled loudly, stretching his entire form before he curled up against Rhaegar's side again. The dragon didn't hesitate to place his arm around the incubus, who only snuggled all the more against his nude and warm chest.

A sigh sneaked its way past the incubus lips, as his eyes fluttered close in utter satisfaction.

After climaxing for the majority of the day and night, Ankai felt positively recharged and satisfied. And the fact that the proximity didn't end with the sex, but continued with cuddles, only satisfied him further.

Even as he cried (for some unknown reason), his dragons remained by his side. Even as his nose got stuffy, eyes red and puffy, and he became very little appealing. They still kept him firmly squashed between themselves, until they resembled an Oreo cracker. All the while cuddling him.

In Ivraia's castle he usually got thrown away the second she had climaxed, and he had no idea cuddling was even a thing.

But it was different with the dragons. And despite it being completely new to to incubus, it felt oddly comforting to cuddle. And because of this he welcomed the sensation without a second thought.

«Are you okay now, Kitten?» Epithymia asked, voice light as she too felt entirely refreshed after having her void filled.

She curled around Ankai, chin resting atop of his head and face mere inches from her lovers.

Ankai exhaled happily and lightly, turning to snuggle against Epithymia's chest.

«Let me see... having my brains fucked out several times only to be cuddled into a mushy purple plump by two hot dragons... I'm awsome»

The dragon laughed lowly

«I'm glad to hear that, baby»

«You don't have to call me that you know?» Ankai said after a while, but Epithymia ignored him and simply snuggled him further against her chest.

«I hope you've learned your lesson now»

«Yeah» he admitted honestly, until a mischievous smirk tugged at his lips.

«if I knew this would happen when I ran away, I'd do it much sooner» the incubus hummed.

Even as it meant to be taken as joke, the dragon embracing Ankai from behind didn't exactly see the humor in it, as the subject was still a little sore. So instead of laughing (which would've been completely out of Rhaegar's character), the dragon settled on scoffing (which also was quite out of his character).

«If you wanted us to pay even closer attention to you, all you had to do is ask,» Epithymia told him, but Ankai shook his head.

«Asking takes away some of the thrill» he plainly explained, but in reality the incubus knew he was really just too shy and hesitant to ask. Before attempting to run away, his void had smoldered in his chest, but he had been too scared to ask for the dragons to satisfy it.

This resulted in more reckless behavior on his hand as it made Ankai a lot more emotional. So instead of going to his dragons for comfort, he ran away out of habit.

However, now the thought of running repulsed him almost. It was kind of wired

At first, Ankai had fought to keep the dragons away, but now that he had them close he simply wanted them even closer. He liked the fluttery feeling he'd get whenever they paid attention to him. It was all so new and exciting. But he also felt kind of scared, because he knew the feeling so easily could falter and turn into the cold and heavy sensation of rejection.

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