What You Make of it-End

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The Strawhat ship was one of the most interesting ones you'd seen and you adored it. The only issue you had with staying on it temporarily was the lack of any kind of private bedroom. That meant you had to sleep with the women while Law slept with the men in separate quarters. And while you didn't like it, Law was even grouchier about it. One thing that most people couldn't tell by looking at him was how touchy he was.

Law usually seemed standoffish to most people, the thought of him being physically clingy with someone else was hard to think about but that's how he was. At least in a private setting that is. But the two of you made the best of it.

The day you took Caesar and left Punk Hazard, he called Doflamingo over the transponder snail and made his demands. The two of you felt sure that he'd find he had no choice but to comply if he wanted to continue using Caesar for his black market dealings. After that, the rest of the day was spent with further partying, the crew apparently not having had their fill of it on Punk Hazard.

You took advantage of everyone's relaxed behavior and spent as much time as you could finding excuses to get close to Law without being gross or seeming too affectionate around the others. When you sat together, you'd touch a leg to his, when you stood together, you were always bumping up against him. If Law was sure no one had their attention on the two of you, he'd sneak in for a kiss. Though you'd been caught at least once. Robin was sure to make a remark about you being a cute couple which turned a few heads.

After that, you were a little more careful about things like that around this group. Not that they minded, but it left you a bit embarrassed. The rest of the day went smoothly at sea and even with the sleeping arrangements, you slept fine that night. You woke up earlier than everyone else though and after some tossing and turning, you decided getting back to sleep wasn't going to be an option.

So while everyone was still out cold, you slipped into a change of clothes for the day, courtesy of Law keeping a stash of yours and his clothes away from the labs. It astounded you how far ahead he planned things out sometimes. It was like he knew things might go astray with the plan.

When you left the room and got onto the main deck, the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. There was a cozy little swing hanging down from a tree. You plopped down on it, wondering how exactly they'd managed to get living trees to stay on the ship so nicely. The little Wano boy, Momo, had taken up this spot almost all day yesterday and you were happy to finally have a chance to take it yourself for a moment to think.

You pushed yourself back and forth slowly, letting your mind wander to whatever. It started with another dream you'd had last night, this one a memory about the time you'd met Atticus.

"Hey mister." You tugged at the man's coat sleeve and shivered slightly in the chilly breeze.

He looked down at you with frantic eyes that suddenly turned curious, like the sight of your disheveled form was enough to take him away from whatever had him worried. You weren't dressed properly for the cold but that was something you were working on, finding warmer clothes. He was well dressed with a long leather coat covering a warm looking flannel and clean jeans. You were almost positive he had some money on him, even if he looked like he hadn't had a hair cut in a while. His brown hair hung loose around his face and was long enough to brush along his shoulders. In fact, if it wasn't for how he dressed, you would have assumed he was just as broke as you and your brother.

"Where's your mother?" He asked.

Your nose scrunched up immediately in distaste. She was far away now, no longer a problem but you still didn't like thinking about here.

"Don't have one." You answered quickly. "Just me."

"I'm sorry but I don't have anything for you." He shook his head like he knew exactly where you were going with this.

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