So I Still Call You Captain, Right?

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Law dragged you out onto the island and was now tromping through the deep snow with you. Every time you fell behind because it was so deep, he'd wait for you to catch up with a smile on his face.

"Talk to me about the latest dream." He started once you were past the tree line.

"I'd rather not." He had you stressed about what he wanted to talk about and this was all it was?

Law stopped and wrapped a hand around your arm. "(Y/n)-ya, I'm not interested in playing this game again."

"I pretty much told you all I feel obligated to earlier. It was just about more of my time as a slave with the Celestial Dragon. Nothing important."

He turned to face you properly. "Anything you remember is important. You'd lost your entire life and it's coming back a little at a time. I'd like to be able to help you."

"I appreciate the thought, I really do, but I'd like to be able to figure some of this out myself. Some stuff is a bit too personal to share anyway."

"Personal?" He tilted his head a little. "Too personal to tell your captain?"

"Uh, yeah? You're more like a boss than anything else. Why would I share my most personal stuff with my boss?" Sure he was your hot boss, but that didn't change much.

"So you're suggesting if I was more than your captain you'd be more willing to talk?"

You weren't sure if he meant what you thought he meant but....the wide smile on his face suggested he did.

"I-I mean, in theory? We're not being serious now, right? It's all just theoretical." You tried to pull back but his grip tightened.

"I'm going to be blunt with you (Y/n)-ya." He walked you back into a tree and you were suddenly aware of how much bigger than you he was. Sure he wasn't huge, but the man had height on you and he was very well toned. "You've been on my crew for about two months now. From the beginning you've found some of the most rediculous things to fight over with me. You're stubborn and can't follow orders well. And I don't think I've ever met a woman with such an attitude and disregard for what comes out of her mouth."

Your stomach did summersaults as your nerves ate away at you. His gold eyes searched yours sharply before softening along with his grip. "But I don't think I'd have it any other way. You've brought something to this crew that we didn't have before and I would like to be more than just your captain, if you'd let me."

He let go of your arm, propping his hand against the tree beside your head instead. You had to admit, you were happy when he dipped down so his face was only inches from yours and his other hand brushed lightly against your cheek. When you didn't flinch or tell him no, he held your face and pressed his lips to yours. He didn't just smell like coffee, he tasted like it too.

A few months ago, hell a few weeks ago, if someone had asked what you'd thought about being touched by a man like this, you would've told them it's be the last thing you'd want. Now, it just felt right with Law. He understood why you were the way you were probably better than you did. He was delicate and had no problem taking his time. It was so different compared to anything you'd remembered from your past so far. Not that you had much to go off of, but still.

You felt yourself melt into his touch, wrapping your arms around his neck slowly, testing how far you were willing to go. There was a slight shuffle as he took it as encouragement, moving closer until his body was flush with you and his lips moved delicately along yours. Warmth radiated off of him and despite the frigid temperature surrounding the air, it was safe to say things were heating up.

The nip he gave your bottom lip wasn't expected, but you found it exciting. The second you responded, slightly parting your lips in surprise, his tongue flicked past them. You fought the urge to let a needy whine as he did it again, taking it slow. Finally when he was content with teasing you, he slipped the wet muscle into your mouth hungrily. You don't remember ever being kissed, let alone like this.

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