Day 2: Kiss (naked) - Analogical

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Post-sex kisses shared between Virgil and Logan.

Warnings: nudity, mentions of sex.


Virgil stretches his limbs out in all directions, feeling particularly cat like, then stops and lays back against the headboard of the bed. Admittedly he was tired, after two round of sex with his boyfriend he's bound to be, but Virgil is adamant not to fall asleep before Logan returns from the bathroom.

However, this was easier said than done as he felt his eyes closing slightly, having to move and shift himself to stay awake, although he's sure Logan wouldn't mind if he did fall asleep. He would probably tell Virgil he needs the sleep. Mere moments later Virgil hears the sound of the shower turning off and their en suite bathroom door closing, then Logan quietly making his way over to the bed.

Shit, when did he close his eyes! Virgil opened them again, slowly, only to see Logan in 'all his glory' (in the nude) and, well, he's probably never going to get sick of that sight. Logan quickly finishes towel drying his hair and throws the towel into the hamper. "Hmm, Lo, come to bed," Virgil murmurs as the other begins looking through the set of draws on the other side of the room, probably to find some pyjamas.

Logan turns his head to see Virgil sitting up slightly, holding himself upright with one hand on the mattress, "I thought you were asleep, sorry if I was making too much noise." Virgil smiles fondly as Logan turns back away from him, his boyfriend is so goddamn considerate but right now all he wants is to cuddle him and fall asleep, despite what a good view of Logan's ass he's getting right now. "You didn't wake me, please come here though," Virgil couldn't help but whine this time, letting himself slip back onto the bed fully and closing his eyes momentarily.

He felt a breeze of cool air suddenly, Logan must have opened the window, it was cool, helping his flushed skin to calm. Then there was warmth, enveloping him. Virgil's eyes shot open to see Logan peering down at him, smirk on his face. "Are you alright love?" Logan asks seriously, which Virgil find hard to take seriously with his very naked boyfriend on his hands and knees above him like this, so Virgil nods in response and presses a small kiss onto Logan's nose.

They both laugh lightly at this, okay, maybe Virgil giggles at the face Logan pulls in fake distaste. But they're both smiling ridiculously at each other. Like two fools in love. Well, they are. Virgil's sure if he keeps smiling he'll break his face so he reaches for Logan's jaw, pulling the other down slightly and into a kiss. His other hand goes to Logan's hip, careful not to press too hard on the forming bruises he himself made not too long ago, and Logan lets out a muffled whimper, of pleasure or annoyance Virgil isn't too sure.

Logan pulls back quicker than Virgil would have liked, moving up off of Virgil's torso and sitting carefully on his boyfriend's thighs, making sure not to hurt the other. Virgil's hands slid to Logan's thighs, laying gently against the skin cool from both the shower and the breeze. "So... round three?" Virgil asks cheekily, half joking but the other half of him would be down if Logan agrees. But he doesn't agree. Logan throws his head back with laughter, shaking his head so that his wet hair falls onto his face.

"No. I just showered," Logan tells him, leaning over him once again to peck his lips before completely rolling off him and laying by his side, "besides I doubt my ass or my stamina could take much more." Virgil snickers at that, glancing over only to see Logan watching him already, "fair enough." Virgil didn't stop watching his boyfriend as he set his glasses aside and brings up the covers around them.

"You should probably get to sleep you know, the average amount of sleep for a grown adult is a minimum of seven hours," Logan spoke, smiling at Virgil as he continued to look at him. "I love you too Logan," Virgil whispered, finally closing his eyes and allowing sleep to take him.

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