What You Mean To Me

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"What are you writing?"

His sudden voice interrupted the brunette's thoughts. She smacked his arm with her pen, "Oppa, you made me forget what I wanted to write!" she pouted. He pretended to look hurt as he rubbed the area where the stationary hit him.

The last week had been wonderful for both of them. Naeun's recovery was progressive, and he could sense she was doing her best to stay positive and strong for everybody. She went outdoors more often too - eating with friends, helping her family manage the restaurant, even going to the cinema with Taemin once. It was nerve-wracking at first, but as they hung out more, the awkwardness eventually faded. 

Naeun was at Taemin's place, accompanying him as his parents had gone for another business trip and wouldn't be back until the end of the week.

After five minutes of trying to recall what she wanted to jot down, she threw her pen down and leaned back on the chair.

Taemin asked her again, "What were you writing?" as he looked at the paper.

"My testimony," she whispered, and that's when it dawned on Taemin; the trial was tomorrow. The court had given Naeun an extra week to recompose herself after the sudden memory shock. He didn't realize how fast seven days could fly.

He saw her fiddle with her bracelet again. As Taemin got closer to Naeun, he realized that these gestures were signs of her getting nervous, or scared. He crouched in front of her and took her hands. Physical contact was no longer an issue for Naeun, but Taemin still went slowly with her.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this," she confessed. The thought of L still sent shivers down her spine. She'd been grateful that for the past week - her friends and family had been distracting her from thinking about him or her past. To describe the incident to the judge would mean reliving the nightmare again. She couldn't tell if she was mentally prepared for that.

"How about a stroll?" Taemin suggested, "You've been sitting around for too long."

Naeun shook her head. She wasn't in the mood to go out, much less endure the cold. Taemin then pulled her out of her seat and into his bedroom.

"At least get some rest," he said, eyes full of concern. Taemin could be doing many other things like researching about his university choices or getting internships or even joining his family on business trips to prepare him to take over the company one day, but no, he decided to stay with her.

I need to tell him, Naeun thought.

"Oppa, there's something we need to talk about."

"Not until you get some rest," he replied gently.

Knowing there was no way out of his stubborn little head, Naeun complied. She felt awkward sleeping in his room, but the house didn't have any guestrooms for her to borrow (to her surprise). It didn't take a minute before Naeun felt herself slipping away.


Taemin stayed with her until he was sure Naeun had fallen asleep before going out to his balcony with a warm cup of tea in his hands. The chill breeze of winter greeted him openly. The last week had been one of the happiest moments in his life. Going out with Naeun, texting her, and calling for hours on end, he wondered if that's what it was like to be in a relationship. He glanced at the sleeping angel.

Is that what we are now, he thought, are we considered as one?

With each passing day, Taemin's feelings for Naeun grew but was it the same for her? What if her past had intervened with her feelings for him? What if she would never be ready for another relationship any time soon? Graduation was only a few months away. What would happen to them after? He shivered under the endless wind hitting him, and quickly headed back in. He didn't want to dwell too much on his doubts and what-ifs. What mattered was that she was with him now and that she needed him more than ever.

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