Chapter 3

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Looking down Alex could see her feet stepping gently across a wooden floor towards an open door. A shadow with large wings stretches out towards her stopping at her feet. Continuing down the hallway she turns to look into a mirror, Alex's heart began racing. Red eyes stared back as she saw herself standing there. Raising her hand, the creature in the mirror did the same. It's clawed hand reached out towards her almost touching her face as she backed up and started to run to the open door as the wall behind her exploded open releasing the creature from within its prison of glass and iron. She was blown back out of the door into the ocean. She looked up to see new self wings closed diving towards her. Diving below the waves as low as her body would allow, she was caught. It turned her around looking in her eyes digging its claws into her human flesh. Trying to scream out of pain, the only sounds that came out were muted. Fighting for breath and her freedom, she scratched at its hands. Pulling her close, its eyes flashed as it tossed her out of the water onto the rocky nearby beach. Coughing and taking deep breaths, Alex looked around as the figure of a man walked up. His face was dark as he purposely stood in front of the sun so she could not make out who he was. Grabbing her by the throat he pulled her to him,"We are coming for you, and she can only protect you for so long." The stench from his breath filled her nose as he threw her down jostling her awake. 

Fighting her ways out of her blankets, she reached a hand out as her hand was taken by someone else. "Having a good dream I see." She pulled the blanket from over her to find her mom holding her hand. "Yeah it was interesting." She stood up as her mom noticed her skin was covered in the scales, but did not let on she noticed it. "Get ready please and come downstairs. Your dad and I want to talk to you." Alex sensed a tone in her mom's voice that was uneasy. She knew this was going to be one of those conversations that she did not like to have with her parents  because it was always long and drawn out. Walking into her bathroom, she turned on the warm water to her shower stepping in. The heat felt good on her skin, especially her back. Reaching her hand back she could feel the folds of where the wings where. The bones were perfectly formed and were as soft as her skin.  Turning the water off and stepping out into the steamy air filled room, she looked into the mirror while arching her back to see if she could locate where the wings were, but saw nothing. Looking down at her body she noticed she did not need to dry off because she was already dry. The last of the scales on her feet were lowering down showing the appearance of normal skin. This was all too weird for her, but she could just imagine what her parents would think if they could see any of this.  Tossing on a long sleeved shirt, jeans and socks she walked down to meet her parents. 

The kitchen smelled of coffee and fresh bread as her mom placed a plate of waffles and fresh fruit before her. "Thanks. What did you want to speak to me about?" Her dad lowered his cup off coffee and took a deep breath. He was about to say something when the front door opened. "Who the hell is that?", he said as he stood up to walk into the other room when Aliandra walked in with her assistant in tow. "Andrew, we have to talk now!" her voice was deep and stern making both of her parents wince. Alex even felt it, a low extra command that only they could hear. Her assistant did not seemed bother as she moved to the side when Aliandra passed her by. "Give me a minute. Do not move from that table young lady, I have to talk to you." He touched her shoulder as he went by, but this touch was one that felt like he was saying good bye. Alex looked over at her mother as she followed behind them also touching her on the shoulder and kissing her forehead. "Don't worry, we will be right back." The room seemed so empty now that she was sitting there hearing the voices coming from the other room. Time passed slowly as she finished her breakfast and before the first sounds of footsteps could be heard coming from down the hallway. They all entered the room taking seats at the table as Catherine disappeared. Her dad walked over taking her hands in his pulling the sleeves of her shirt up. Closing his eyes, he looked over at her mom and sighed. "Alex I am sure you have a lot of questions about all of this." "Questions? Questions! Oh you have no idea.", was the thought that crossed her mind as she looked at all of them. "Dad, what is this?".  Aliandra looked at him as he tried to form the correct words to make this better. "Andrew we do not have time for this. They are coming for her, and after last night...well they are going to make sure she does get to fully maturity. We have to leave all of us now." Catherine walked in as two men carried out multiple bags to waiting SUV's in the driveway. "Catherine get the last car ready and tell the men to get their things on board immediately." Without a word she was on her way. "We will explain everything when we get back with the clan. Andrew understand that there may not be a warm welcome when you get there. Many are still upset about you leaving and taking the heir with you." 

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