Endangered Health Part 3

Start from the beginning

Once his hands were dried, he turned around and grabbed ahold of his nearest mate, not really caring who it was.

The smell of cinnamon reached his nose, the citrusy scent of oranges accompanying it.

He buried his head in Leo's neck, his arms wrapped around him tightly.

Percy whimpered, feeling the ache in his stomach increase.

He felt arms wrap around him from behind, soothing hands rubbing along his stomach.

The scent of lavender and lemon filled the air, giving it an almost therapeutic touch.

Percy felt comforted, the two smells having coexisted well together for months now.

He felt slightly ashamed to admit he now had a weird obsession with oranges and lemons, buying way to many cinammon and lavender scented candles.

Gods, he was such a creep.

They stayed like that for a while, Will's healing touch working wonders. No matter how many times Will told Percy that his touch wasn't 'healing', Percy still refused to believe him.

They pulled away eventually, all with small smiles on their faces.

"Come on, we've got another meeting with dad again."

Percy nodded, laughing quietly as Leo groaned exaggeratedly, despite them all knowing how much he loved their frequent meetings with Hermes and Apollo.

They made their way to Thalia's tree hand-in-hand, grinning widely at the sight of one of their two favourite gods.

Hermes smiled at them, holding out his arms for them to grab as he flashed away, straight into Apollo's office.

Apollo didn't even look up from where he was sorting some files, presumably Percy's.

They all took their usual seats, Percy's hand never leaving his stomach.

Looking up, Apollo caught sight of Percy's hand on his stomach, frowning thoughtfully.

"Is your sickness back?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it seems to be."

Apollo's eyebrows furrowed, gesturing for Percy to follow him into the small bathroom connected to his office.

With a hum did Apollo start searching the bathroom's small cabinets, making a small 'aha' noise as he found what he'd been looking for.

Percy's mouth dropped open as Apollo turned around, a mortal pregnancy test gripped tightly in his hands.


But the way he said it came out as more of a question, tears building in his eyes.

"It might not. It is a possibility however."

Percy nodded shakily, reaching out a shaky hand to grab the test, watching as Apollo left the room, closing the door behind him.

Percy took a deep breath, bracing himself.

I can do this, he thought.

As soon as the three minutes were up, Percy looked down, his breath hitching slightly at the obnoxious positive staring up at him.

He heard a knock at the door, Apollo's voice filtering through.

"Come in."

His voice broke half way through, emotion laced clear in his voice.

Apollo entered, shielding the bathroom from outside view.

Percy had a few tears running down his face, looking up at Apollo with hope shining in his eyes.

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