Chapter 12.

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Harry's POV

I grabbed the phone off of Niall as soon as I heard Marks booming voice, shoving it behind my back and hiding it under the blanket since Nialls hands were trembling and he didn't know what to do with it. Louis shot me a grateful look before the door banged open, and in came Mark. 

"Louis Tomlinson, do you know what the fuck you've done?!" he yelled, shoving Louis violent on the chest so that he stumbled a few steps back. "I-I-" Louis stuttered, unable to pronounce any words. It wasn't until then, that I realized who the real Louis actually was. He was scared, worried, and almost just as cowardly as us. He wasn't the same guy who fucked and raped my boyfriend senseless not only a month ago. He was a different guy altogether. "I'll finish with you later." Mark spat, pointing a long, horrible finger at Louis' chest before turning to Niall and Liam. 

"You two. I'll deal with you just now."  Mark fumed, he walked over to Niall and Liams bed, pulling Liam off of Niall and half dragging him, half pulling him out the room. Niall stared after them, wide eyed until it finally dawned on him what was happening. "NO! LEAVE LIAM ALONE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, scrambling to his feet even though his crutches were lying against the bed and sort of limped over to the door, but he wasn't quick enough. Mark had slammed it in his face.

Niall got to his feet again and tried to run out the room just as Louis opened it to leave, but I charged after him, pulling him back in case we got into any more trouble. Bloody hell, he was strong for a skinny kid like him. I had to wrap my arm around his stomach, with the other arm wrapped around his back to pull him away from the door and I shut it closed with my foot. Niall burst into tears, knowing that he was in no use of getting his boyfriend back and collapsed in a heap on the floor. 

"He didn't do anything wrong." Niall sobbed, his face buried into my t-shirt, making it all damp. "I know." I soothed him. It took me a while to calm him down, while Zayn just watched silently. When he had finally finished weeping, he closed his eyes and rested himself against me, hiccuping himself into silence. He stayed there, even when he heard Liam screaming a few times, knowing he was in pain. His face just stayed emotionless, calm even, but I knew he was just trying to hide the pain he really felt. His hands clenched around my wrists as I held him and I watched him listening to Liams piercing screams, his eyes staring blankly at the door. 

Liam didn't come home until later that night. As soon as the door swung open and Niall realized it was Liam, he sprung out of my grasp and reached for Liam, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulled him close. Liam sighed happily, burying his face Nialls neck, tugging lightly at the back of Nialls zipper. "What did they do to you?" Niall whispered, looking back at Liam. Liam paused for a bit, before returning to look back at Niall. "Nothing." Liam said softly. Niall blinked at him. "Nothing?" Niall repeated, entirely confused.

"That's right." Liam sighed. "What? But I heard you screaming-"

"What you don't know doesn't hurt you, all right?" Liam interuppted, stroking Nialls cheek gently.  Niall wrinkled his nose in disgust at the thought but let it drop anyway. But that evening, I knew something had happened when Mark had Liam. When Liam thought that we were all asleep, I heard him crying. I looked over at the bed that him and Niall shared, and noticed his dark shadow trembling slightly with the amount of tears he shed. He looked dead frightened, which was unusual for Liam because he was always the strong, confident one. I wanted to go over and comfort him, but I was afraid to wake Niall up and make him all worried now he had seen Liam cry even though Liam said he was fine that morning. 

I still had Louis' phone tucked in at the side of the bed and I had completely forgotten about it until now. I fished it out from under the blanket and unlocked the screen, sitting up on my pillows. I scrolled down on the messages button, most of them were from or his girlfriend, Eleanor. "Why are you searching through his messages?" Zayn croaked suddenly in his quiet, sleepy, groggy voice as he perched himself up on his own pillows, one elbow on the bed as he peered over my shoulder. "Well, I had to know if he isn't some sort of creep I can't trust, didn't I?" I whispered back defensively and he chuckled lightly. "I think you'd know by now that this house is full of creeps." Zayn sighed and I bit my lip, knowing that he was right.

I went on the contact list and scrolled through a bunch of names until I found Jay's. I clicked on her number once I was sure that Liam had finally cried himself to sleep, and pressed the phone to my ear. "Hello, Lou." she beamed, not knowing it was actually me who was phoning.  "Jay, it's me." I whispered into the phone. "Harry! What a surprise. I never expected you to phone, it's a bit late, love...Lou normally calls me at this time if there's something wrong. Is there?" she added, concern in her voice at the mention of Lou.

"We need your help." 


Written by karmasucks. aka Lisa.

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