Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV

Does he even realise what he's saying? How can I be happy that I'm leaving this place, when leaving this place means I'm leaving him. I'll be back in Bradford, miles away from him. Even if, or when, he gets out, he'll be back in Cheshire, still miles away. I'd rather be here with him, even if it means I'll get a beating everyday. I couldn't care less about the beatings. I take the worst, so Harry wouldn't get it that bad. If I leave, that means Harry's beatings will get worse.

It sounds like he wants me to go. I know he wants me to be safe, but what if he means he wants me to leave him completely? Is that why he's encouraging me to go? I can't...I can't leave him. If I go, he comes with me, and that can't happen until his parents pay.

"Zayn, what's wrong? Aren't you glad that you get to leave this place?" Harry asks, walking up to me. I stood up from my sitting position on the bed.

"Glad I get to leave? How can I be knowing you'd still be in this place?" I questioned loudly.

"But, Z, you get to see your family. You'll get to see your sisters again." He pointed out. I sighed.

"I know that, Haz! But I can't leave without you! I can't leave knowing you would still be in here and that I can't do anything about it! You'll end up getting it worse, Niall and Liam included. I can't leave, not without you." My voice cracked at the end. Harry sighed.

"We'll be fine, babe. Seriously." He said gently, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I buried my head in the crook of his neck. He kissed the top of my head.

"I can't leave you, Haz. I just can't." I mumbled quietly. His grip on me tightened.

"Well isn't that sweet?" Our hold on each other dropped as I spun around to see Mark smirking in the doorway. "Don't worry, Malik, you don't have to say goodbye to your precious little boyfriend." He said. I frowned my eyebrows in confused.

"But my parents paid you?" I asked, confused. His smirk grew.

"I know. But either all of you go, or none of you go. I don't care that your parents paid. Until the other boys' parents paid, you don't leave." He growled, turning around and slamming the door shut. I bit my lip. In a way, I was happy. I don't have to leave Harry to those monsters who'll beat him senseless, but what about my family? I miss them like crazy.

"You got your wish." Harry mumbled. I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I felt the bed dip beside me and an arm wrap around my shoulders. "We'll all be out soon."

"Promise?" I asked, lamely, glancing sideways at Harry. He smiled slightly.



Sorry it's so short! Had writers block with this chapter:L Hope you like it anyway:P

~ Becca x

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