Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

Not much had happened since Niall's family were on tele. No one said anything when Mark returned home. He also had become a little less violent. That's not saying the beating didn't stop - oh no, they still came, but just less frequently. It's like he doesn't want to leave any more marks, like he knows the police are onto him.

Jay still hadn't arrived. It's been 4 days since we rang her. I hope she arrives soon, for Louis' sake. His face contorts into pain whenever he moves, and he limps about whenever he walks. His cuts don't look healthy either. They're scabby, and all red, swollen and puffy.

"Styles! You're on washing up duty," snapped one of the beefy guards. I nodded, standing up and following him into the kitchen. Liam was in the lounge, hoovering the floor; Zayn was outside mowing the lawn with one of the guards watching him; Niall was upstairs cleaning the bathroom.

I headed straight to the sink, squeezing some Fairy liquid into the bowl before turning the tap on, letting the water run beside the bowl while it heats up. Once the water was boiling and steam was floating up, I pushed the tap over the bowl to fill it up. I went into the cupboard under the sink and got out some rubber gloves so my hands wouldn't burn.

Once the bowl had filled up with hot water, I put a little cold in before grabbing the dish cloth and cleaning the bowls, plates and cutlery in the bowl. Once I cleaned a plate or bowl, I left it on the drying to dry, or until I finished cleaning so I can dry them.

"Yeah, I know mum...I understa-...Yeah I kno-...Mum! Stop cutting me off! All I want to know is when you'll get here!" I heard Louis speak. Turning to look at the door leading to the lounge, I saw Louis stood next to it, leaning against the wall, his head tilted back as he sighed. "We've just been through this. I know you have to girls, bu-...Aunt Clara lives like, 2 minutes away! Leave 'em with her!...Yes, I know it's a good idea, that's why I suggested it!" I smirked at him. He gave me a fed up smiled, shaking his head. "Okay, I'll see you tonight. Bye...Yeah, love you too."

"She's coming tonight?" I asked, emptying the bowl and grabbing a kitchen towel to start drying the plates and bowl. Louis nodded.

"Yeah, hopefully," he smiled, taking the plate out of my hands and putting it in the cupboard.

"What're you doing?" I asked, staring at him curiously.

"I helped the others, so now it's your turn. It'll get your chores done quicker so then you spend time with lover boy," he winked.

"But what about Mark?" I ask, grabbing a bowl and drying it.

"He's gone out shopping for food," he tells me. I nodded, handing him the bowl.

He was right. A chore that would've taken half an hour took 15 minutes, allowing me to go back into the room and snuggle with Zayn. Niall and Liam were on their bed, their backs against the wall, facing us with Niall cuddled into Liam's side. Zayn and I mirrored them, with me cuddled into Zayn's side.

"When do you think we'll get out? I mean, mine and Niall's parents have already given Mark what they want, surely it can't be long until Liam's and Haz's do," Zayn wondered out loud. I shrugged.

"Hopefully soon. I don't know how much longer I can take this," Niall whispered sleepily. I bit my lip, mentally agreeing with him. We've been beaten for months now, I'm surprised one of us hasn't snapped already.

"Afternoon guys. As Mark's out, I've managed to sneak you better food," Louis cheered, walking in with a tray with 4 plates. Each plate has some rice and 2 sausages covered in gravy. My eyes widened and my mouth watered. I shot up, taking my plate and a knife and fork before sitting back down on the bed. I put my pillow on my lap, and then my plate on top of the pillow so my legs wouldn't be burned by the hot plate.

"Thanks, Louis," Niall mumbled with food in his mouth. We all pretty much scoffed the food down in minutes.

"Be right back," Louis said, placing the empty tray on the floor and running out the door - as best as he could with a limp. He came back in minutes later with four cups and a bottle of Dr Pepper. "I bought it earlier today for you guys. If you don't finish it, I'll keep it so you won't get into trouble," he explained. I couldn't help but smile as I put my empty plate on the tray and poured myself and Zayn and cup of Dr Pepper.

"Thanks a lot," I said, giving Louis a big smile as I sat beside Zayn. I haven't had Dr Pepper in a long time, and it's one of my favourite drinks.

"MARK ANDREW TOMLINSON! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" A familiar voice yelled. Our heads snapped to the door, before we all exchanged slightly scared, but happy, expressions. Louis jumped up and hopped out of the room.

"Mum! He's gone out shopping!" He yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Seconds later we heard footsteps walking down the stairs.

"I swear to God the second he comes home will be the last second he has alive!" We heard Jay snap. I bit my lip to stop me from giggling. "I'll kick him so hard in the crotch, he'll need surgery to unembed his balls," she rambled, walking into the room with Louis. Niall let out a loud laugh.

"Is unembed a word?" Louis asked, giving his mum a weird look. Jay shrugged, smiling at us.

"Hello boys," she welcomed. We all said hello back, smiling at her. "Harry, Zayn, so you mind if I use your bed to check Louis?" She asked. We shook our heads, standing up as Louis took off his top and trousers before lying down on the bed. Jay winced, going through her handbag. She took out a little first aid kit, and dumped her bag on the floor.

"Ow! That's hurts!" Louis whined as Jay dabbed at his cuts with something.

"Quit whining!" Jay snapped, making me laugh.

"LOUIS! I'M HOME!" Jay froze, dropping her cloth and storming out and up the stairs. Louis sat up, resting his weight on his elbows.

"MARK ANDREW TOMLINSON! I SWEAR TO GOD THE NEXT TIME YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY SON I'LL PUT YOU 6 FOOT UNDER!" Jay screamed as she ran up the stairs. Louis stood up, pulling on his top and jeans, before creeping out the room. He gestured for us to follow. We crawled up the stairs, stopping at the top door so we could hear what was going on.

"Who the hell rang you?" Mark growled.

"Who do you think?! Louis! He rang me after you pounded him to smithereens! Lay another finger on him and that's your secret blown," Jay threatened, her voice sounding stern.

"You wouldn't," Mark's voice sounded vulnerable.

"Try me! Oh, and if I find out that another one of your ass kissers beats the other four lads...lets just say the next time you see me, it'll be in court," Jay growled. We heard footsteps walking towards the door, so we ran downstairs again. Louis quickly stripped back down to his boxers, flying onto the bed and lying how he was.

Jay came in, face red in anger. She didn't say a word as she tended to Louis' wounds. She checked us over again, her frown becoming bigger. She sighed, still saying nothing before putting her first aid kit into her bag and walking out. We all exchanged confused glances, not saying a word. It was obvious that the same thought was running through everyones mind.

Are we safe?

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