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  "How do you like it?," the boy snarls, pressing Jeremy's throat harder into the wall. Jeremy made a gurgling noise, attempting to speak. Jeremy's face begins to turn blue from lack of air.

  "Hey," I say sternly, "that's my job." Everyone turns to me, including the boy.

  "Excuse me?," the boy asks with a smirk.

  "I said," I say, "no one gets to choke Jeremy unless it's me." At that, everyone takes a small step back, casting scared glances at each other. The boy laughs menacingly. Then releases Jeremy, only to grab my throat and swing me into the wall. I wince at the impact of the wall. See, this is why I don't talk to people. My body reacts instinctively, and my fist hits the boy it the face. He grabs his face, releasing my throat. I drop to my feet and take a good look at the boy. He's easily a head taller than me, which is intimidating. He's buff, like, buff. It might not have been the best idea to mess with him.

  "Ooh, Emma's checking Drake out," Jeremy taunts. I glare at him.

  "You better shut up, or I will personally snap your neck." He immediately stops laughing and gives me a wierd look. I feel shocked, I've never actually made a death threat to him before. It felt good. I glare at everyone else in the room. "Yeah, you heard me, and if any of you turn me in, I will track you down and make you regret it." I hear laughter, and turn to see Drake chuckling.

  "Well," Drake says, "aren't you feisty." I glare at him, then the teacher walks in.

  "Sorry I'm so late class," she says. "There was a copier issue. Anyway, take your seats." We do, an she announces that we're doing a partner project. "Your partners aren't in this class though," she says. "You're going to pair up with a class of seniors." Wait, what. No. The class walks in, and my breath catches. They're all here. Regi, Rick, Rey, Eric, and Phillepe. Why irony why?! Just my luck, I sit in the very front. All five of them fix their eyes on me. Well, this'll be easy, I just won't pick one of them.

  "Mr. Mark and I have already picked your partners," the teacher says. Ah universe, how you hate me.

  It's in alphabetical order, so I'm slightly in the middle. Too soon, my name comes. "Emma Grace, you are partnered with. . ." she looks at her paper. "Reginald Lincoln." I look at Regi. He's smiling in my direction. Great, I wanted to protect him, but now we'll be closer than we've ever been.

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