The Whole Truth

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I hate myself.  I hate the lie that has been boiling inside of me from the moment we left.  It was what she wanted but I can’t do it anymore.  She is different now.  And it is good.  She is healthy and happy.  And I love the new her.  But I fell in love with the old her as well.  I loved her even though she made me hide the truth from her.  I loved her even though the secret almost broke us. 

“I have to tell you something.”  I said grabbing her hands. 

“What?”  She asked looking at me very concerned. 

“Have you had any flashes since we have been apart?”  I asked. 

“Yes.”  She said still staring up at me.  I felt my grip on her hands.  “What is this about?” 

“What was the flash?”  I asked.

“It was me in the hospital.”

“You remember the hospital?”  I asked quickly.  My heart began to race. 

“Yea.  I remember meeting Liam and I remember Talia coming to visit me.  To bring me letters from you.  And...”  Her voice trailed off.  Shit did she remember?

“And what?”  I asked. 

She leaned in close to me.  “I remember her telling me about Calum and Carissa.”  I took a deep breath.  Was she ready for this?  Could she handle it?  I mean if she thought that was bad she was in for a real shock.

“Do you remember anything else?”  I asked one more time.  I felt the knots in my stomach tightening.  Inside I was screaming.  Please have a flash.  Remember.  I can’t tell you this.  But I knew the chances of that happening were slim to none. 

She stared at me for a minute and I wasn’t sure if she was reading me or thinking.  Probably both.  “Luke what is going on?”  She asked.  There was a shutter in her voice and she was starting to realize that this was big.  Bigger than she had ever thought.

“Let’s take a walk.”  I said letting go of one of her hands and leading her away.  But she jerked her hand out of mine.

“No I don’t want to walk.  I want you to tell me what is going on.”  She said sounding mad.

“I am going to tell you if you will just walk wi-“

“No Luke.  You have me all freaked out now.  Tell me.”  She said loudly. 

“Hey.  You two need to keep it down.”  Calum said, his frame barely visible from his position in the tree.

“Luke please.  What is going on?”  She said stepping towards me.  The moonlight hit her face again and I could see tears in her eyes.

“I…Its nothing.”  I lied.  She knew it.  She wasn’t buying it. 

“Bullshit.”  She said spinning on her heels as she started walking. 

“Where are you going?”  I asked but she said nothing.

“Hey where is she going?”  Calum hissed at me as if he hadn’t heard me ask the same damn question.

“Kelly!”  I said probably a little too loud.  I ran after her and grabbed her arm.  “Where are you going?”  I asked.

“If you want tell me what it is you are keeping from me then there was no reason for me to be here.”  I hadn’t realized until now Liam was next to me.  He had been so quiet I had sort of forgotten he was here. 

“Easy.”  He said putting his hand on my arm.

“Easy.  Are you crazy?  I wouldn’t hurt her.”   I said looking at him and shaking my arm from his grasp.

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