Looney Bin

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Luke’s POV

“Calum..You’re alive!?”  I said not sure if it was a question or just the sheer surprise of seeing him.  I pushed him off of me.  We both stood up and looked at each other.  He put his hands in his pocket sort of awkward like but I couldn’t help myself.  I grabbed him and hugged him tightly.  He started laughing naturally but I didn’t care.  I had been alone for days and it was nice to have  a familiar face, and best of all it was once of my closest friends. 

Let me rewind for a second.  I guess I should explain some things.  Like for instance Calum and I.  He doesn’t remember it, but he was pretty much my best friend back before we came here.  In fact the only thing I don’t really know or remember is where here is.  I don’t know why the serum didn’t work but I woke up foggy but by the next day I remembered pretty much everything.  That is the problem.  We came here to forget.

“Does this mean we aren’t pretending to not be friends.”  Calum said after I finally let him go.

“You remember?”  I said feeling shocked.

“For the most part.  It took me a couple of days but for the most part yea.”  He said shrugging. 

“Thank God I am not the only one.”  I said in a long breath.

“You remember and you said nothing?”  He said sounding a bit disappointed.

“It is bad to remember.  Its best not to let people know.” 

“I don’t think that will matter anymore.”  He said quickly.

I watched as his eyes looked towards the hut then back to me.

“How long have you guys been here?”

“I’m..I’m not with them.”  He said scrunching his face almost in disgust.

“Then why are you here.”

“I followed them.  I had gone to the lake to think about things.  And then I heard the first explosion I ran back.  I went to Talia’s hut and I saw Harry and Louis coming out.  They looked upset and I knew..”

“Knew what?”  I asked quickly.

“They were gone.  She was gone.”  He said looking down.  I had already seen the tears forming in his eyes.  “I really thought I would have a chance to fix this.” 

“Calum..Talia isn’t gone.”

“What are you talking about?”  He said looking up just as a tear fell from his eyes. 

“I was with her.  She was…helping with something.  We weren’t in town.”  I said unsure of what to tell him.  I mean do I tell him there was a murder?  Did it really matter now?  Of course it does.  But does it matter to him?

“She wasn’t in the house?”  He said excitedly. 

“Shhh.  Yea no she wasn’t there.  She is safe she is alive.”

“Where is she?”  He asked frantically looking around.

“I…Don’t know.”

“What the fuck do you mean you don’t know?  You said she was with you.”

“She was.”  I said quickly before looking down.  “But I had to leave here.  I have something I have to do.” 

“You left her alone.”  He said stepping towards me.  He looked pissed, like he was going to hit me or something. 

“She isn’t alone.  She is with others.”

“Kelly?”  He asked.  I nodded  “Great they are sure to survive.”  He said sarcastically.  I wasn’t sure how to approach telling him I thought he was dead so I left her with her ex.

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