Sasha's childhood

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Sasha childhood was prefect because she was the only child of her parents for that few years so they showed her with lots of love,gift and attention that made her not to complain. Mr and Mrs adeola had a conversation night that they want sasha to start schooling cause they feel that her staying at home is not helpful.
The next morning Mr adeola went out in search of a new school and he found one that was good and quite expensive but it was one of the most popular college forin the state so he applied for he school and he was given a form to fill with he did and he was told to bring his daughter the next day for an interview

Sasha big day

Mercy: Mrs adeola enter Sasha's room, mercy called out for Sasha (baby where are you come out now cause you will me late for your interview)
Sasha: ma am coming Sasha called out am in the toilet.
Sasha: Ma good morning and how was your night
Mercy: fine darling I came so you can prepare for your interview
Sasha: ok
Mercy: when your done come down and join us for breakfast.
Sasha: dad good morning
Mr adeola: good morning baby and how was your night
Sasha: dad my night was great

There was some quiteness in the dining table till mercy broke the silence

Mrs adeola: baby how prepared are you for your interview
Sasha: ma am perfectly prepared
Mr adeola: that's my baby I know you will make me happy

Dad can we go now cause I can't wait to see my new school

Sasha: bye mom
Mrs adeola: bye baby. Sugar please take care of my baby
Mr adeola: I will darling take care of yourself to boo love you

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