I let out an ecstatic laugh and smiled like I hadn't since I found out werewolves were real. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of the breathtaking scene. I sent it to the pack group chat and decided to call them at a more reasonable time.

When I finally went back inside Danny was out of the shower. He had on a red long sleeve v-neck, a pair of black jeans, and some fluffy socks. He was sitting on the couch in the living room with one of the books from the table open in his lap. He looked up and smiled when he heard me coming in. "Hey, I was thinking about running to the store to pick up some food so we can have a real meal while you shower. What do you want to eat?"

I thought about it while I sat down next to him. "Well how long are we staying?" I asked.

"Today and tomorrow," he set the book on the table, "We can get back on the road after breakfast on Thursday."

I nodded and said, "Well how about omelettes for when you get back, quesadillas for lunch, and for dinner we could have tater tot casserole. Tomorrow we could make french toast for breakfast, grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch, then sweet and sour chicken with fried rice for dinner. Thursday we could either have oatmeal or muffins."

He smiled and stood up. "That sounds delicious Stiles. Now go take a shower and get some sleep. I'll wake you up when I get back." I nodded and watched him go before I made my way to the bathroom. I stopped by the room I had left my bag in to grab a white sweater, a pair of Beacon Hills High sweatpants, and my own fluffy socks.

After my shower I went back to the room and climbed under the blankets in bed. I tossed and turned for a while until I was finally able to get comfortable. Just as I was about to fall asleep I thought I heard my mom humming an old polish lullaby. I slept peacefully.

A while later Danny came in and gently shook my shoulder. "Wake up breakfast is ready."

"Let me sleep," I mumbled and snuggled further into the blankets.

He chuckled quietly and said, "Nope none of that come eat you can go back to sleep later."

I groaned but sat up. "Fine, I'm up," I said. I stretched and yawned before finally getting out of bed.

He laughed and left the room. I followed after him. When I got to the kitchen he had already put an omelette on a plate and sat it down at the table with a steaming cup of coffee. He was soon joining me with his own plate and cup. "Eat up we've got a relaxing day ahead of us," he said. I gave him a small smile and took a bite.

I made an obscene sound at the taste. "Fuck Danny these are amazing."

He beamed and said, "Thanks Stiles." I nodded and we both started eating.

After breakfast we decided to call the pack to let them know we were okay. We went to the living room and sat on the couch while I got my phone out. I pulled up Dad's contact and hit the little green button. He answered on the third ring. "Hello Son, how are you and Danny doing?"

I put the phone on speaker and Danny said, "Hey Sheriff Stilinski, we're both good. We just got to our first stop along the way."

"Yep we're great and this place is great," I confirmed.

We heard footsteps in the background then Derek and Peter both saying, "Hi Stiles. Hi Danny."

We smiled when Dad shouted for them to give his phone back. "Sorry about that, boys. These overgrown puppies haven't left the house since you guys did yesterday." That caused us to laugh.

We talked to the three of them until Dad had to leave for his shift at the station. I ended the call with a promise to call again tomorrow while Danny started calling Jackson.

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