Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- Book Of Records

Narrator's pov

Glinda had heard the news about the Scarecrow, he's been doing better but one of his servant's told her, the Lion, and the Tin man that he'll going away for 3 weeks this worries Glinda alot about Scarecrow's journey because she found out that he will be adventuring alone

One evening night, Glinda was walking down the hall about her worries and the panic that she felt lately because she couldn't stop thiking about the Scarecrow because one, he was alone from his journey and two she knew the journey that he will be taking is dangerous so that's why she's walking down the hall of her castle

She went to the library where her book also known now-a-days was 'The Book Of Records' it was laying on the middle of the room she haven't read the book for abput 4 months now so she missed so much about reading The Book Of Records

She grab the book by her two hands and went to the fireplace she fire the logs of her magic wand she sar down to a chair then open the 'The Book Of Records' she flip throught pages after pages after she arrived by a new text written by someone's hand and there she read and focus on the words that was written on the book of records it reads:

'After for so long the defeat of The Jester, Scarecrow started to have images and flashbacks on his head that he did not know but one afternoon at a meeting that Glinda said 'Fiyero' that's when the flashbacks are starting to get real and serious he knew that those things leading him somewhere or something that he didn't know and now he is off to an adventure to find out who he really is

His main objective was the university at the southern pacific of the Oz region known as Shiz he had so many memories there and after that his second will be his mother and his father. '

After reading this gave Glinda the gasp of shock, after all those years that she knew Scarecrow was Fiyero she wanted to tell him but this will make the Scarecrow depress when he find out about this so she kept her mouth shot until she realize that Scarecrow is finding his own ways to find who he really was

She close the book, put it where she find it and sneakly walk back to her room. She lay down to her bed with a smile on her face then she whispered before sleeping:

Glinda: " *whispers* we'll meet again... Fiyero "

To be continued

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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