Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Friendship

Narrator's pov


Lion yelled which echoed the whole room of the Chamber Room which echoed through the halls of The Emerald City startiling everybody at the Emerald City by the Lion's outburst

Tin man: " wha- you told me that I have to put this lever over there "

Lion: " I said to put it on the other side of the machine not there "

Scarecrow: " ENOUGH! "

Lion and Tin man turn there attention to the Scarecrow his arms were crossed, his eyes shows a tired, exhuasted, and stress thanks to his work and duties as a king but for the nost part the two were frightened when the Scarecrow's voice boomed on the Chamber Room

They straightened there posture, the Scarecrow went closer to them he grab the last piece of the machine and put it to the middle of it were it was there all along missing and waited to be piece back

Scarecrow: " *sigh* Lion, Tin man I could hear you from a mile away even though the doors were closed especially you Lion, you frightened one of my subjects from your outburst and please... please control your anger "

Lion: " sorry... I can get my emotions to solve the problem "

Scarecrow sigh again and rubbed the bridge of his nose because of stress and exhuastion until someone notices his behavior

Tin man: " Scarecrow... you should probaly relax and... and have a good sleep "

Scarecrow: " I can't... I can't even relax if one of those duties that I'm taking is making me insane sometimes "

Lion: " you should sometimes call us if things are getting difficult and harder for you, at least... it can cope your anxiety, and your exhuastion "

Scarecrow gave them a tired smile and said to them

Scarecrow: " *smiles* thanks I apprciate it "

Tin man: " and please when it comes to 'sleep' we meant for you to have a proper sleep instead sleeping on your studies again "

Scarecrow smiled sheepishly and accepted his friends' warnings and request for them to not fall asleep in his studies because that always happens to him but whenever he woke up and found himself covered in a blanket or put on the bed of his room he knew if one of his subjects, friends, or even Glinda put him somewhere comfortable instead of his studies

Just then, one of Scarecrow's subject named Poppy enter the Chamber Room which caught the trio's attention to Poppy

Scarecrow: " Poppy, what's wrong? "

Poppy: " your majesty, Glinda calls a meeting through out the leaders of Oz she said now "

To be continued

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