Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Going To Shiz

Narrator's pov

Scarecrow walks out of the Emerald City he had no choice but to abandoned his throne for weeks after all he said to Jenny that he'll be gone for 3 weeks and she have to tell to Lion and Tin man that he is going away

He heard that there was a train station somewhere near at the Winkie Country to get into Gilikin Country it just opened last 4 weeks ago, he walk fast so that way he can make his moves a little bit faster to reach the train

The silence always make him focus and for the most part if he wasn't stress, tired, or upset he would go outside of the Emerald City to get some fresh air or breath in and out

But right now he is in a serious quest now or an adventure he went to the train to meet some winkies, munchkins, and other ozians coming to the train but there are not much so many people today since it was night time

Scsrecrow sprinted straight to the train without anyone noticing him, he went to a room he close the curtains he put his satch on a dark green table then sat down to a long chair, he could feel the train was about to start driving

While the train is driving, Scarecrow need to relax a bit because all he could see is houses, trees, animals, and stars up above, he put his hands on his pocket then close his eyes

Flashbacks/ dream

Scarecrow open his eyes to see that he was in the same university called Shiz, he look around to see a boy that was same height as him he guessee that he was at the courtyard of Shiz along with Galinda until Scarecrow open his mouth and said:

Scarecrow ( Fiyero ): " c'mon Boq, there's no need to study because it's pointless "

Boq: " b-b-but Fiyero I have to so that way I can have attention of many girls "

This person 'Boq' seems familiar to Scarecrow he seemed like Tin man alot because the way he moved it seems like Tin man, then Galinda opened her mouh and said:

Galinda: " c'mon Boq, Fiyero is right maybe a little bit of break would do the trick "

Scarecrow (Fiyero): " exactly! Now, I've decided to have a dance party on Oz "

And everybody on Shiz started to coming over Scarecrow, Boq, and Galinda when they heard 'dance party' they started to gather up as a crowd but then Scarecrow asked:

Scarecrow (Fiyero): " so, what is the swanky and beautiful place down on Oz? "

Galinda: " that'll be the Oz Dusr ballroom "

Scarecrow (Fiyero): " sounds perfect! "

End flashback/ dream

Scarecrow shot his eyes open when he heard a loud honk at the train, he looked into the window to see that it's morning and infront of him it's Shiz

He stands up from his sit then grab hos satch then exit the train, when the train disapear he walk to the direction to lead him to Shiz, the sun was shinning, the flowers starts to bloom he could see people running, walking, and talking tk there friends

Until, he reached his destination, a destination to lead him the truth, he sigh and thought

Scarecrow: ' ok, no nore turnint back '

To be continued

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