Start from the beginning

"Sarah, I still love you but I know whatever you and Zac have is special. I saw it in Disneyland and again today at lunch. You think I didn't notice that the entire time he gave that sappy speech, he was looking at you." He lets my hands go, starts walking and instinctively I follow.

"Shane yes there was something between Zac and I, but I said I didn't want to see him because of you and me. We have something special, doesn't that mean anything to you! I want you, not Zac."

The entire time, I look at Shane but when we stop and I turn to see the scenery in front of us, my heart aches. A great oak tree, no leaves falling this time and a small bench underneath it. It's still as beautiful now, as it was then. The place I met Shane.

We walk to and sit on the bench.

"Sarah, you can't lie to me or yourself. What we have is special but its not you and Zac; and many it's better this way. There's a few more months of our last school year, this shouldn't become another problem in any of our lives. I still love you, but taking you away from the guy you love isn't fair. They say if you love something, let it go."

There's nothing more I can say to Shane that will make him change his mind, but he's right. He and I just weren't meant to last. Well forever anyway.

"Are you mad?" I ask.
Shane chuckles and I can't help but smile. "I'm not mad, but I'm not gonna lie. I'm kinda upset. You were my first crush, back then from summer camp and I always hoped there was a chance for us. So yeah I was at one stage but I'm okay now."

He's still smiling and for the last time, I kiss him. Our subtle cold lips touch and his gentle loving nature I what I'm going to miss. He made me feel safe, not like a dad or brother but like I know I could wake up every morning knowing I wouldn't go to bed with a broken heart.

Our kiss breaks and I look at him, as Shane the guy I can't call mine anymore.

"So I think we may need to walk back. I left my car back at the café." He says laughing.

"Sure, but please can we go faster than a slow stroll. I'm feeling really cold right now."

"Yeah let's go." He says and we start walking back, a little faster this time.

"So what now, you're a not going to chill with us at lunch now." I ask, happier. We've gotten the worst parts out the way and I know Shane and I can be friends now.

"I've actually become closer with that guy Ryder, so I'll most probably chill with them now. You're cool with that right?" He asks quickly.

"Yeah. Of course, he's a pretty cool guy, I think." I say laughing.

There's now a comfortable silence and when we finally reached the cafè and Shane's car, he kisses me on the cheek for one final goodbye.

"Zac's a good guy. I know he's a done a lot of stupid things in the past but he cares a lot about you." Shane says before he turns and walks away.

Im still not ready to forgive Zac yet, but at least Shane and I are in a good place. I walk inside and see Carley and Blake in a somewhat romantic conversation. When I get to the booth, Carley immediately stops talking to Blake and gives me her full attention.

"Okay so are we going to need red velvet cake for you to tell me what happened with Shane?" She asks, looking at me concerned.

I laugh at my best friend. "No it's nothing like that but cake does sound really good though."


Hey there!!!

The day finally came. We're sorry to do this to you guys but hey be happy, at least we didn't kill off Shane. He's still happily alive (in the book anyway) and who knows he may make some more appearances in the chapters to come.

Do you think it's for the best? And is Sarah now going to go for Zac now that he's (hopefully) forever done with Sabrina .

Hmm... Let's see!!

Thank you all so much for the support!!! Until the final chapter we are going to thank you guys for all the love you've given us!! So thank you!!!

If you are a new reader, than you for reading and if you're liking what you read please please VOTE and if there's anything you want to say to us you can COMMENT.

You are all so amazing and special and we though you should know that!!!❤️

Sadly our school year is beginning soon, so updates will be slower.😕😭Awww. Don't fret we will (try and update as soon as we can)

Stay ready as there is more drama to be unfolded. See you all later!!

Last thing from Storm: It is a few days early and she'll most probably see it when I update but I just want to say a huge Happy Birthday to Snow.🎁🎉💝 I love you loads my bestie and than you for all the great memories!!! Hope you have a spectacular day and many many more to come!!!🌺

So that's it for now.


Storm and Snow😘

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