Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Narrators P

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Narrators P.O.V

"Marcel get your ass off the couch we have to go pick up Shawn from the airport. He's waiting for us." Edward yells at his younger brother from the foyer.

"Okay, Okay. I'm coming, no need for you to threaten me over it!" Marcel exclaims as he walks over to his brothers, exiting the other room.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic Marcy, we all know your life may actually be in danger if we don't get to the airport soon, so let's go!" Alec responded half jokingly.

"Quit joking around! Shawn is gonna be pissed at us and Niall is with him. I want some food left by the time their hotel is ready." Harry huffs.

"Your right. If we go fast enough we might be able to hide some of it!" Alec says running to the other side of their mansion to hide the food before realising it's damn near impossible to hide food from Nialler.

"Oh my god, I wonder how we get anything done. We can't even make it to the airport on time. We are-" Edward gets cut off by his phone ringing in his pocket. He digs it out and checks the caller ID.

"Shit" He sighs to himself.

"Hello," He say into the phone.

"Where the fuck are you?! We just arrived and are already being swarmed by fans and paps!" The Irish voice booms through the speaker nearly blowing out his eardrum.

"We are so fucked Niall!" Edward hears Shawn shout from the other end of the phone. Edward can barely even hear them over the screaming fans.

"We are on our way. Just tell your security to get you to a private room until we get there. So sorry lads but, the boys wanted to come and you know how that can turn out." He says hoping they understand.

"Just get here okay." Niall yells through the line and then hangs up.

"Come on we really got to go this time. Where's Alec? I swear to god." Edward says, his head wandering around the room in search of him.

"I'm here, calm your tits." Alec cuts in. Harry and Marcel snicker and head out to the driver waiting for them.

"I don't have tits." Edward grumbles while dragging Alec out of their house.


"Thank god you made it, their crazy today!"" Shawn smiles at us.

"Yeah mate. I thought we were goners for a second there." Niall laughs.

"Sorry we were late, everything has just been so hectic." Harry says looking up from his phone.

"Nah mate, it's fine. We survived." Shawn says, casually putting his leg closer to Niall's smaller one.

"Speak for yourself Bear! No way am I going to accept this apology until Nandos is in this stomach!" Niall states pointing at his stomach looking %100 serious while gently shoving Shawn's arm, totally missing Shawn's obvious blush from the pet name. Everyone starts to laugh at Niall's request.

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