"SPONGE-BOB!! I know you're in there!" she yelled throwing the fruit on the ground in frustration.

Drunk Juliette was seriously the most freaking funniest thing ever. No wonder she never drank, she always was the life of the party and did the most embarrassing things. I only wish I had partied with her earlier, especially if I didn't have to look after her, we could have so much fun. But I wasn't really drunk enough for that.

"Dude! I love her!" Jared laughed loudly.

"Sponge-bob!" She whiled throwing the pineapple 10ft across. The fruit burst when it hit the wall, splattering juice and chunks of fruit all over the other drunken teens. Jared and I ducked out of the way of the flying fruit, she was surprisingly strong for such a small girl.

"Jay?" I cautiously asked.

"What do you want dummy?" She sulked and then started to cry.

"Oh, what's wrong honey?" I asked worryingly.

"Sponge-bob hates me!" She cried louder.

I tried to hold back the laughter as much as I could, not that it worked. "Do you think you can stay here for five minutes while I go to the bathroom?" I asked raising my brows at her.

"Pft! I don't need a babysitter Alec. I'm a big girl now," She giggled. I nervously walked to the bathroom. When I was done I hurried back to her.

"Juliette!" I shouted as I saw her drown another can of beer. "What am I going to do with you?" I asked as I bent down next to her and place my hand on her knee.

She looked at me stunned. "PDA! PDA! Rape!!!" She yelled.

"Shhh!" I hushed her, "I won't rape you," I chuckled. She suddenly screamed with her tongue sticking out.

"What?" I worriedly asked, looking her over making sure she was okay.

"I'm defying GRAVITY with my tongue!" She sang with excitement and her tongue still hanging out of her mouth. I laughed so hard and behind me Jared was on the ground with tears running down his cheeks.

"Are you choking?" She asked me in alarm.

"What?" I chuckled looked back into her eyes.

"Oh. It looked like you where choking," She muttered looking away from me.

"I was laughing..."

"Ohhhh! That explains the dying cat noises!" She sang before getting up and hugging the closest guy to her, a random guy I don't even know.

"Hello to you too," The man slurred.

"Hi!" She grinned widely before nuzzling into the mans leg.

"Do ya want to come up to the room with me? We could have some fun" He winked at her.

"OMG! Yay! Let's go!!" She said giggling like a little girl, standing up and grabbing his hand.

"No you don't," I said grabbing her arm, tugging her away, and putting her behind my body, out of reach of the very drunk man.

"What's your problem?" The man asked me with a frown.

"She's mine," I growled at him.

"Sheesh man." He said, holding his hands up as he backed away.

I looked back at Jay and she pouted at me. "We where going to play a game!" She whiled sadly.

I lent over to her and whispered on her ear. "But he might of raped you," I pulled back to see her astonished face.

"I think in having a flash back of my first time having sex." She told me only a moment later.

I raised my brows at her, "I thought you were a virgin?" I asked in confusion. I remember teasing her just the other day about being so innocent and still having her virginity.

She looked at me confused, "I am?"

I chuckled as I shook my head in amusement, "Oh Jay,"

"You have pretty eyes," She suddenly said staring up into my eyes.

So do you, I thought, but because of the jerk I am I ended up saying, "I know."

"Alec," She whispered before looking up at me with her beautiful big doe eyes.

I really wanted to kiss her, I tried earlier but I got interrupted. I don't know what to do, I think I might be falling for her. I didn't really want to kiss her if she would remember it though.


"Alec West is," She started as her eyes began to close.

I shook her shoulder and she moaned. "Alec west is what?" I urged her.

"I think I might be falling for him," She muttered before closing her eyes completely.

I sighed before carrying her upstairs and putting her on the bed. What am I going to do now?

Hope you all enjoyed this one from Alec's POV!

Hugs and kisses,
Addie xx

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