Episode NINE

3K 143 14

Author's note: Again based on this header picture what do you think is gonna happen in this episode?


Glancing down at his phone again to see if she'd texted him anything else, Noah took the drink from Abel. Roni hadn't mentioned anything about working late. What was there to work late for at the gym?

"It's not that late in California." Felix reached for the bowl of nuts. "Just after seven there."

It still seemed odd, but Noah took a stool at the bar and figured he'd know soon enough. Luckily for him he was only on his second drink when Roni finally called. He took his drink and his phone with him to the room. "Hey, baby." He smiled, taking another sip of his drink.


"Why didn't you video chat me? I wanted to see your beautiful face."

"Because I'm driving. Have you been drinking, Mister?"

"A little." He smiled even bigger but put his glass down now that he'd been busted.

She giggled. "Doesn't sound like a little. Are you celebrating?"

His smile flattened. "Two strokes. We missed it by two fucking strokes. These fuckers choked."

Clearly, he was being a little too loud because he heard Abel and Felix laugh. "No llores, guey!" Abel yelled.

"Okay, now I know you're drunk," Roni laughed. "How many drinks have you had?"

"Just two. But Abel made them strong."

Abel started to yell for him to tell her about all the ones he had at the clubhouse, but Noah closed his door before he could finish. "What did he say?"

"Nothing." Noah laughed. "He's just being an ass." Taking another swig from his drink since the jig was up anyway, he sat down on the bed. "Where are you at?"

"I stopped at 5th Street after I ran my errands. I didn't realize how much work—"

"I saw a video of Jack and Reina." Noah took another swig of his drink then set it back down. "God, I miss you guys. Isn't that crazy? It's only been a few days."

"Yeah, we've missed you too. One more night and you'll be back to us."

Lying back on the bed, Noah yawned. "You're calling me later tonight, right, baby?"

She chuckled. "You gonna make it?"


He sat up because she was right. If he kept that up, he just might not. Grabbing his drink from where he'd set it down again, he stood up. Roni let him know she'd just arrived at Nellie's and would hurry in and out so she could get home in time to call him. But she warned Jack probably wouldn't make it even to the freeway before he was out.

"I don't care. Even if I only get to see him sleeping, that's cool."

"Um... Okay. I'll call you as soon as I'm settled in."

"Love you, baby."

"I love you, too," she said with a chuckle.

"Why do you laugh? I miss you."

"Okay, I miss you too. But I gotta go, babe. I'll call you soon."

"I'll be waiting."

They hung up, and Noah made the mistake of walking back out to the front room where Abel and Felix were still at the bar. "Noah, c'mere," Abel said, pouring a shot. "Take a shot with us."

"Shots?" Noah shook his head. "You two idiots aren't gonna make your flights tomorrow."

"Just get your little bitch ass over here." Abel lifted the shot he poured.

Noah walked over as Felix held his shot glass up and started making a toast. "We may not have won, but we did good." They clinked their shot glasses. "And I don't know about you guys, but I had a hell of a time. I missed you guys. To friendships and 5th Street, the place that brought us all together."

"Hell, yeah," Noah said, patting Felix on the back, then downed his shot.


Exiting the plane at LAX, Noah was still feeling the effects of last night. He didn't even remember how he got to his bed last night, but he never showered or even got out of his clothes. Worst of all, he'd missed the video chat call from Roni. He couldn't even remember the details of the conversation he had had with her. He talked to her that morning but made it point not to video chat because he felt like shit and knew he looked it. Thankfully she hadn't been mad about his missing her call. She said she'd figured he wasn't going to make it.

After being away from his little family for several days, he planned on being home for a few days. It's why he went straight to 5th Street after landing to tie up some loose ends so he wouldn't have to be back until Monday. Halfway through responding to all the email and sifting through some snail mail, he got a text from Roni.

Frowning Noah texted back that he was close to wrapping it up. He didn't bother asking where she was going, just told her to make it quick because he'd be home soon. Roni was notorious for leaving in the middle of preparing some special dish because she was missing an ingredient of sorts. He'd been gone longer in the past, but knowing Roni, she still had something special planned for his homecoming.

He was almost done when there was a knock at his office door. "Come in," he said without even looking up.

His assistant Ivette stuck her head in the door. "There's someone here that wants to talk to you."

Noah looked up, a little annoyed because he'd hoped he could get out of there ASAP. "Who?"


Shaking his head because he had no idea who that might be. "About what?"

"I don't know, but she's very upset." Ivette walked all the way in and closed the door behind her and lowered her voice "I told her you weren't here today, like you said to tell anyone who asked when you got here, but she said she saw you walk in and is very upset and says she won't leave until she talks to you. She's crying."

Noah wracked his brain, wondering what this could possibly be about, but decided he may as well take care of this and be done with it so he could be gone for the rest of the weekend. "Bring her in."

The young girl who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties walked into his office sniffling. Her eyes were all red and puffy, and she was wiping tears away. Noah just hoped one of the meatheads at his gym hadn't messed with someone's heart and now they were coming to him. It wouldn't be the first time.

"What can I do for you?"

"I don't know if you're like my mom who's turned a blind eye for years, but I can't take it anymore."

Shaking his head as he peered at the young girl who continued to swat tears away, Noah didn't know what to make of this. "I have no idea what you're talking about, sweetheart."

"My father is Dr. Mateo Hidalgo, and he's having an affair with your wife." She stopped to take a trembling breath as time suddenly stood still for Noah. "He was with her all day yesterday. My mother tracked his phone to the hotel they were at most of the day."

Author's note: Gasp! No way! Yes way? Roni would never! Would she?  

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