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Well. That could have gone better.

I should have led with how stunning she looks tonight, instead of that stunningly stupid remark. I glared at the space she had occupied, like it was the fault of the air for not holding her in place.

"I'm sorry Alexi, Claire appears to be somewhat out of sorts." Ben had very nearly clucked his tongue at her dropped glass and venomous outburst. Ever the politician.

Claire's windchime voice faded across the room as someone engaged her in conversation, becoming muddled with a hundred other sounds vying for attention.

"That's alright Ben, Claire and I have met before, she just didn't know who I was. The, uhh, day of the meeting that brought us to this spectacular ball." It wasn't exactly a lie. It had been the same day, just not at the aforementioned event. Also we had been wolves. And she had been naked.

Ben nodded slowly, I could see the cogs in his brain turning, but not creating an answer that was useful for him at this time. He had been there to see me act like a particular biological system that deals in elimination towards Claire.

"What did you do Ali? I spent the evening with her poking for weak spots. My child showered her with fresh blood and Claire's demeanor didn't crack. One sentence from you... and poof, off she goes." Xandras hands waved in the air to emulate disappearing smoke. "I'm impressed. Hey Ben. How's life?"

Xandra had materialised from the shadows, making Ben jump. I didn't lose my cool, because I had already lost it. It had flounced out on a swirl of color.

"It is a superpower. It's like a reverse midas touch with anyone I want to impress." I said with a sigh and a commesoratory intake of sparkling wine.

"Life has been far more eventful than ideal lately Monarch. You know me. In my world of personal investigations and politics 'A good job is a boring job'. Claire is...anything but." Ben answered Alexandra's informal question formally.

"She has your support though?" She hit Ben with her full perception. That was Xandra's gift from the Moon Goddess. When she chose to look at you, there was nothing that could be hidden from her.

"Irrevocably. I hear congratulations are in order?" Ben's sincerity and loyalty made an obvious impression on Alexandra, who half nodded her head in confirmation of some fact, before a devious smile emerged.

Ben dropped his flute in shock. She must have hit him with the link of Issy detonating. Tonight was not a good night to be fragile tableware.

Within a few seconds the shards were gone, Ben had another glass and the waiter stashed the broom and shovel in the closest closet he could find. Armed and ready for more.

"Good gracious, and outside of the full moon as well! You must be so proud." I raised my eyebrows. His recovery was amicable.

"It seems that Claire's power profile set her off. I was just happy to be here for it. Speaking of." That look was turned on me. I can practically hear her trying to find three reasons. If she finds them and implores the Moon Goddess successfully you are toast. Shoo! She made a dismissive gesture with a graceful hand that resulted in her empty glass rolling off the tips of her fingers and shattering on the balcony floor.

Within a few seconds she had been endowed with another.

"What?" Her dainty shoulders lifted in an innocent looking shrug. "It was my turn for some fun. Also, it seemed like the fastest way to procure a refill. Now go!"



Claire was hiding in plain sight.

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