Chapter 5~Rift in Peace

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Over the next few days, I had grown close to Damion and Lucy they both were in a few of my classes. In fact I had at least one of them in all but two classes. Literature and Psychology. It was really nice to have some people to trust and ask for advice in my life.

But all of my happiness quickly evaporated into thin air after I got a call during class.

I was in my Literature class, which is my 2nd hour.


I walked into Literature with Mr. Davis and immediately started working on my essay so I wouldn't have to work on it over the weekend.

After I was halfway through my second body paragraph, Mr. Davis called me over. He was holding the classroom phone in his hand, and I assumed it was for me. Although, I had no clue who would be calling me.  

After Mr. Davis handed me the phone I said, "Hello, who is this?"

"Hello is this Miss Mendler?"

"Yes it is."

"Okay well I am Doctor Daniels and I am calling to let you know your mother has been admitted to the hospital due to passing out. She passed out because of a brain tumor...the pressure caused her to lose consciousness", he said and as soon as the word tumor left his mouth I fell against the wall not being able to support all of my body weight. That was when I wished the doctor had waited until next hour when Lucy was in my class.

" she okay?" I choked out.

"Yes, but she has been taken into immediate surgery to remove the tumor. This will prevent any further brain damage," he said slowly as if I was a young, delicate child.

"Okay thank you for letting me know..."

"You're welcome Miss and do not worry she is in good hands I assure you," he said. Although, it didn't stop the wrenching in my gut as my body warned me of my soon to be tears and sobs.

"Thank you." I said weakly and placed the phone back into its proper spot.

I then briskly walked over to Mr. Davis and asked for a pass to the office, which he had already prepared from what I assumed to be eavesdropping. Not that I really cared at the moment. I quickly whispered a small thank you and was out of the classroom only to find myself in the hallway. From there I went to the only place I could think of that would not have anyone in it. As I headed to library tears fell in wavering streams down my face. 

I sat down on the ground and leaned against a book shelf letting every feeling, heartache, and frustration flow. I couldn't go to my mom just yet I needed to calm down first and straighten out my thoughts, but soon my peaceful melancholy was disturbed as I heard shuffling behind me. I quickly wiped my eyes and moving my hair to uncover my face. Then I also grabbed a book as to appear to be reading. 

"Hey...Are you okay?"said a deep voice so I guessed it was a guy. I looked up to see who it was and realized it was the other new guy. The dark haired one.

"Yea...I'm fine." I said with a scratchy voice from crying and feeling like he would be normal and just walk away. Only instead he plopped down right beside me.

"You don't look fine. Mind if I keep you company?"

"No...I guess not." I spoke gruffly, "But if you don't mind me asking...Why are you here?"

"Well," he said, "I'm here because no one else comes here, but I guess I was wrong." He chuckled after and his laugh seemed to lift some weight off of my shoulders.

"Whats you're name?"

"My name is Garron. And you? You're new right?"

"My name is Eureka and yes I'm new."

After he sat down we started talking but only for about half an hour as I wanted to see my mom.

~End of Flashback~

It was Sunday now and my mom survived the surgery but will be taking chemotherapy treatments to treat what was left over after surgery.

It's been a hard week and at this point, I don't know what to do. I've lost a lot of hope. If she does what will I do? I have no other family willing to take me in. That doesn't even begin to explain how I'll pay off the hospital bills. Thousands of dollars worth of hospital bills.

"Hey, it'll be alright okay? The doctors said I should be cancer free in three months," my mom whispered, "I'll just need some time to recover and I'll be okay so don't worry."

"Okay, but no promises on the worrying part. I can't help it."

"Okay, now hurry up and get on your way to school."

"Okay, I love you Mom."

"I love you too now leave and go learn something."She waved as I walked out of the door.

At School During Lunch...

"Hey sorry I've been gone the past few days. I haven't been feeling well, but now I'm okay." I said as I took a seat next to Damien, Lucy, and a couple of my nicer classmates.

"It's okay. We were just a bit worried." Damien spoke after a minute passed.

"Oh cut the bull crap, Eureka. We all know what happened and you should have called us. We would've been by your side in a matter of minutes." Lucy half-yelled at me while Damien winced a little at her harsh tone.

"What do you mean?" was my quiet reply.

"We know your mom is in the hospital. Remember this is a small town and anything that happens goes around town quickly." Lucy said with a more sympathetic voice. I know she didn't mean to come off so harsh it was just my fault for now texting her or calling her for help. All she wants is to protect me like the adopted big sister she is.

"I'm sorry" I spoke quietly as she pulled me into a hug that I gladly accepted.

Lucy came to sleep over that night and went with me to stop by my mom again at the hospital. It was a Friday so thankfully I didn't have to worry about homework due for the next day. Lucy helped me have a little fun and get my mind off of the problems. I even told her about my old life in Virginia and the creepy man standing outside my window a few weeks ago.

Author's Note

So I haven't written in awhile and I had written half of this chapter a few months ago with no morbid or sad events happening that would match up with. And about a month ago I actually found out that my father had cancer which helped me be able to write about more truthfully in here and I can now use this as a time capsule chapter. So thank you for reading! I love you all.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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