Chapter 3

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"Umm, I'm looking for Mr. Pertrude?" I said trying to get the secretary's attention. Her desk said Ms. Power causing me to smirk. Then why is she the secretary?

"Door to the right. You must be new, I've never seen you before?" she said while glancing up at me. She seemed around her late 20's. She had short dark brown hair that barely went past her eyebrows, and big, round glasses that made her look intelligent.

"Yes, I am." I said putting on a brave front and standing up straighter.

"Well here is a tip for you. Be careful of what you say to Mr. Pertrude. He takes everything way too seriously." She said looking annoyed.

"Okay. Thanks for the head up." I said smiling at her agitated expression.

As I started to walk towards the principal's office, it flew open. In the frame stood two boys. One was blonde with green eyes and the other had dark brown hair with deep blue eyes. They were both tan and heavily built. They were around the same height but the one with the brown hair seemed a little taller. They look like freaking gods!

The dark haired one kept walking, whereas the blonde one smiled and looked at me and said, "Hey, are you new too?"

"Yeah." I said. I mentally slapped myself. I probably look like an idiot because I couldn't come up with anything better to say.

"Maybe we will have some classes together. Well I got to go before I'm later than I already am considering I don't know my way around the school." He said chuckling and smiling.

I laughed, "Yeah, maybe. Don't worry you're not the only one."

And with that he was gone. He was nice. Everyone here is nice so far. Oh, shoot! I forgot to ask his name. I will next time I see him. What about the other one. He seemed kinda weird. Oh well, not my problem. Time to get to Mr. Pertrude's office.

"Umm, hello?" I said, while peeking through the door.

 "Hello, Miss Mendler. Are you settling down okay? Here are your class schedules." He said sounding strict, but he had a comforting smile. He had short black hair and was around his late 40's. He had sharp features. Especially his eyes.

 "Thanks. And yeah, we are doing okay everyone here is being very kind to me and my mother. "I replied with a smile that was almost, barely there. I'm starting to really like this place. Everyone has been more than kind. I almost feel like I'm finally home. "Well, I'll be on my way then. Thanks, again."

 "Goodbye let me know if you have any troubles. "He said as I was turning to leave.

"Okay, will do." and with that I left.

After I left the office I looked at my new schedule. Staring at 7:00, I had Advanced Geometry, then Literature, Gym, Psychology, Lunch at 12:00, Honors Biology, Choir, and finally at 3:00 Study Hall. It seems pretty easy to me. According to my handy dandy school map I have all of my classes downstairs, except for Choir and Advanced Geometry. "Yea, math first." I said to myself with a menacing look on my face. I hate math.


This was the first time I've seen a girl like me in a while. Well, besides Rosie. I didn't get her name. She had long black hair that came down in waves and framed her face perfectly. She seemed like an angel. Her eyes were my favorite part; they were the color of newly sprouted grass with specks of brown and yellow. The colors mixed together made her eyes seem to glow. She was average height and reminded me of a porcelain doll because she had light flawless skin. Her smile took my breath away. And she had such an innocent aura about her, kind of like a bird. She almost seemed to carry the sun on her shoulder.

The moment our eyes met I knew she was mine. We were drugari, and she just happened to be my bonded, meaning our souls are intertwined until the day one of us dies. She is all I'm going to be able to think about today. And to my luck she just walked in the room. I waved her over and told her there was an empty seat behind me. After she sat down I asked what her name was.

"I'm Eureka. I'm sorry for not getting your name earlier..."

"It's fine. I dont mind, I'm Damion"

"I like it. Sorry for being rude." she whispered.

"Like I said don't worry." I said smiling. She seemed to lighten up a bit after I did.

After that we talked for as long as we could, before we got in trouble. Although I didn't care, all I could think was how beautiful her voice sounded. Eventually the teacher got annoyed of us and told us to shut-up.  Eureka quickly formed a rosy shade of red on her pale cheeks. She was just too sweet and innocent.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who noticed. Many of the guys in our class were looking at her and I didn't like it. It seemed as if they were wolves looking at a fresh kill. I glared at every single one of them until they all turned around. She is mine! I thought completely enraged. The only one who didn't was the other new guy.  Garron, I think his name was. He was also glaring holes through the other guys. What does he care he hasn't even talked to Eureka? He then looked at me with his pitless eyes shocking me, but I didn't show it. He was still staring at me probably waiting for me to back down, but I wasn't going to. I had to show that I was not some weak little school boy. We both stopped when the teacher called for our attention.


Today was tiresome, but I made a few new friends. Like Damion, he was kind and honest to me. Also he is pretty cute, which was a major plus. I loved his blonde hair, and his eyes always seemed to be shining. His smile sometimes made it hard for me to think of something to say because it was so entrancing, almost like I was being pulled towards him. Wow, I'm weird. Who says that? Another person who was kind to me was Lucy. She wanted to hang out with me over the weekend and go to the movies. We were going to see a Tom Cruise movie. Of course, what else?

 This place was nothing like Virginia. I feel like I escaped a living hell. All the people here are kind and welcoming. Even mom feels that way. At this point it was almost 11pm, so I decided to go to bed. I had been drawing earlier because I had no homework.  I was drawing a rose engulfed in flames. Also tomorrow after school I start helping my mom at the diner, so I won't have time to draw. But I'm excited. I mean it is my first job after all. In Virginia my mom wouldn't let me get a job because she wanted me to focus on my studies. But now she needs my help to pay of the rent and I am happy to finally help rid her of some of the burden.

I guess it's time to go to bed. As I went to close my window I saw a figure standing beside a car. The man looked at me and then hopped in his car and drove off.

Author's Note~

Watcha guys think? Getting better yet? I know it is still boring so please bear with me because the next chapter will get more interesting! In this chapter I used POV's to explain in better detail the characters details. What do you think of them so far? Also I'm thinking of merging chapters 1 and 2 together? It might help make the boring parts seem shorter. Well, thanks for reading!!!!!!!!Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE VOTE

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