Chapter Fourteen

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Cardarh is both a blessing and a curse, it seems.

I seek Uncle. I search the Tale Room to no avail, and the courtyard is as empty as the graveyards would be. But, just when I fear that my confidant is never to be found, he appears behind me. With my back towards him, I can feel him there.

‘He came to you didn’t he?’ I ask, not turning around.

He moves, steps closer to me. ‘He did,’ he admits.

‘Why did you not tell me?’

He smiles. ‘I knew that your heart cannot be controlled. You would go after him, had I told you.’

‘You kept it from me,’ I hiss. ‘You knew and yet you did nothing!’

I spin around, my eyes burning with tears.

‘I chose to protect you instead of letting you ruin what little good you had! I was being the man you didn’t read about in your books! The man you wanted to know!’

I feel the hate rise u in my throat. ‘I knew Allerians were vain, but I didn’t know they were capable of being liars too.’

He shakes his head in disappointment. ‘If only your mother could hear you now. You curse the folk of your kin!’

‘She can’t hear me because she’s dead!’

He recoils and steps back, tears in his eyes. My thoughts fly back to the Tale I read about from Xertormei’s childhood. I regret it instantly. But my words cannot be taken back, nor their affect reversed.

‘I need not to be reminded of my sister’s fate, Skaya. It haunts me still.’ He croaks. ‘Cardarh can be given and it can be taken away. Your adoration for Alec was wasted, for he does not wish good upon us. He does not seek a unified, blessed kingdom. He only desires that which will bring him happiness.’

I fall to my knees. ‘But what about my happiness? Do I not deserve to fall in love like Faeore and Duhamas?’

He kneels beside me and cups my cheek. ‘Love cannot be compared to that of another. It is sacred to each person in a different way to the person before him or her. If you are to love, it will be your love and not someone else’s.’ He smiles a little smile, but it’s big enough to warm my heart a little.

What he says next changes the entire tone of our conversation. ‘Though your secret put a wedge between the two of you, there is more to the untold stories than you may think...’

‘What do you mean, Uncle?’

He sighs and takes a seat with my on the grass. ‘Your mother did not die by mere ill-chance.’ He pauses for a moment, as if contemplating whether or not to continue. I give him a nod. ‘She was murdered.’ He says.

My heart tugs again. ‘Murdered?’ I exclaim. ‘By whom?’

The King’s eyes, though locked on me, start to wander to a figure behind me in the trees. I follow his gaze and my eyes fall onto blue strands. Unforgettable blue hair and matching eyes.

‘So the son of The Master returns,’ Uncle breaths, helping me to my feet.

My heart sinks, my breath leaves me. I think I have found the answer.

Alec killed my mother.

Kingdom's Vice Series: Journey to Alleria ( #1 2014) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now