Chapter Thirteen: An Account From the Wind

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The boy, the one with blue hair, approaches the King cautiously, fearing his wrath. He kneels before the throne and lowers his eyes.

‘I do not see you as my King, but you are the King of this kingdom. I will bow because you are a figure of royalty.’

Xertormei stands from the comfort of his throne, his eyes not giving anything away. ‘We had expected that you would be surveying the Sapphire Tree or something of that kind. You are accustomed to the Mines of your land, but not so much our uses of your gems.’

Alec sighs. ‘You expected what is common enough to expect of a Kennah-born, but I did not do any such thing.’

‘Then what were you doing, and why do you now stand in my hall?’

‘I wish to seek permission to leave Alleria.’

Something passes between them that is neither understanding or denial. It is sadness.

‘Do you realize the gravity of what you are proposing?’

Alec swallows and gives a single nod. ‘I do.’

‘I see the way she looks at you, Alec. If it is not love in her eyes, I do not know what else there is.’

Alec rises onto his feet and extends a hand to justify himself. ‘She belongs here. I do not. And you made that fairly clear since the moment we arrived here.’

The King lowers his head, ashamed for a moment. ‘I may have misjudged you, a mistake I will never make again. If you leave...Skaya will never see the light in these halls the same way again. She needs the light. Every Allerian does.’

Alec laughs a little, his heartstrings playing a melody only he can hear. ‘The light is everywhere here.’ He says. ‘I’m sure there is more than enough to help her find her way.’

‘You are angry with her for keeping her secret from you, I understand that. But, Alec son of The Master, know this: we all have secrets, and not all of them remain secret.’

Alec frowns. ‘What does that mean?’

Xertormei throws off his robe, letting it drape over the throne. ‘It means that you are hiding secrets from her too, secrets of which I know. I have known since the moment you arrived. All this time I have vowed never to reveal it to her, to let her find out the truth from you. It is your choice. If you leave, you are giving up your chance to tell her that truth.’

‘You knew? All this time?’

‘Yes, indeed I have. Many times I wanted to tell her, but I knew that you deserve to tell her, after all, her mother would still be alive if it weren’t for you.’ His glare turns cold, as his mind retreats to the memories of his baby sister. The boy before him had taken away not only a sister, but a mother—he took away the King’s kin.

Tears form in Alec’s eyes. ‘I did only my duty,’ he protests, ‘My father would have expected nothing less from his son.’

‘And your father lies in the ground. He is dead, Alec. He is the one thing we will never be. My sister was never meant to face that fate either, but she did, because of you. Know that, if that is all you will remember for all your days. It seems my niece’s love was wasted on a coward and a murderer.’

Alec’s hands tighten into fists as rage pulses through him like a fire. ‘I will take my leave then,’

‘You do not have my blessing, son of The Master. As soon as you leave Allerian soil, you cannot come back. Ever.’

Alec turns his back on the King to leave the great hall. A tear falls down his cheek.

‘You do not have my blessing,’ the King remarked. ‘Perhaps you had it once, but you have since proven yourself unworthy.’

And with that, the son of The Master leaves the throne room and the Great Hall, in favour of the sea and the world he left behind. His heart still plays the same melody, each note bearing one name: Skaya.

Kingdom's Vice Series: Journey to Alleria ( #1 2014) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now