27. the rickchurian mortydate

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"Oh, man, if you're both not into it-" Rick started.

"What do you mean? Why would we be into it?" Cas asked, "This place is so boring. I honestly expected the secret White House rooms and shit to be so much more exciting. It's not even worth telling Summer about later," Cas grumbled, running a hand through her hair.

"It's lame," Morty added.

"Well, you're into lame stuff, Morty," Rick defended. "I thought young, dumb people considered it an honor to work for Presidents or whatever the shit."

"Maybe the first few times. I mean, Cas is right. The idea of seeing the White House's secret rooms was cool but... this just sucks," Morty replied, motioning around them. "He treats us like Ghostbusters," Rick vented.

"Yeah, that movie was just as boring as this 'adventure'," Cas commented.

"We should talk to him," Morty suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds fun. Let's set some boundaries with a spoiled control freak that thinks he runs the world and orders drone strikes to cope with his insecurity." Rick argued back, to which Morty pointed out it was that or just keeping walking aimlessly through the halls. "Third choice... Minecraft," Rick said as he shot a portal into the wall next to Cas.

"You like it now?" Morty asked happily.

"Gotta be honest, Morty. It's growing on me," Rick replied as the walked through the portal.

"You can use that wood to make a chest, darlin'," Cas pointed out, sitting on her calves next to Rick with her side leaning against the couch. Cas was never big into technology besides her phone but when Morty showed her the game, she actually enjoyed it more than she expected too. It was oddly relaxing for her and whenever Morty asked, she'd happily watch him play or play with. It gave them something to do together that didn't always involve Rick, mostly because he'd sleep next to Cas as they played on the couch. "Ironic I'm telling you how to make a chest and I barely have one myself," Cas joked quietly, which made Rick snort.

"Oh, good. Then I can store all this wood I'll need later for chest making," Rick mocked slightly which made Cas roll her eyes with a slight smile.

"You're not gonna have fun if you analyze everything," Morty pointed out.

"Is this game popular with autistic people?" Rick suddenly asked as he used a pickaxe on a tree, Cas quickly correctly him to use just an axe instead.

"Why would you say something like that?" Morty asked, raising one eyebrow and looking up from his phone.

"'Cause I'm starting to love it," Rick grinned as Morty's face perked up at that. Cas smiled at the two, using her abilities to float her can of soda into her hands, taking a small sip before putting it back on the coffee table. She glanced over at the sound of Morty's phone vibrating to see his eyebrows furrow at the contact screen that showed the seal for the President's office.

"'Failure the answer is a felony offense'?" Morty read off from the screen of his phone.

"Play it cool. As far as he knows, we're still in the tunnels," Rick told Morty, turning away from the laptop screen for a brief moment. Cas flicked two of her fingers towards the screen, moving Rick's avatar around with just her abilities. He gave her an annoyed look and she grinned innocently as Morty answered the phone. "Yellow?" Rick said, focusing back on the game as Morty put the phone on speaker.

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