Mate (Gigi Hadid)

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The guards looked at Y/n in shock and fear they tried to stop him but he was to powerful. Gigi opened her eyes to see Y/n's red wolf eyes staring into her. Gigi screamed a bit moving away from Y/n. Y/n in turn whimpered moving his head down. Gigi eyes saddened seeing Y/n pout, she didn't know why but something in her heart was telling her to touch Y/n.

Gigi moved close to Y/n while he stood still she carefully put her hand on Y/n's fur feeling how soft it was. She ran her hand throughout his fur, Y/n stepped closer to Gigi putting his snot on her shoulder. As the two were in their own world Y/f/n and Y/m/n entered the room.

Y/f/n: What is going on in here?

Y/n quickly transformed back into a human his clothes slightly shredded from transforming.

Y/n: This is the Vampire Princess, Gigi Hadid. She mate.

Everyone gasped including Gigi. Was that the reason she felt a connection to Y/n?

Y/f/n: That can't be true. Why would the moon goddess give you a vampire as a mate?
Y/n: I don't know dad but I know she is my mate. My wolf told me and I can feel the connection.
Y/f/n: This is a messy situation. Princess what are you doing in our pack?
Gigi: My father...has exiled me from the kingdom.

Gigi looked down tears coming down her face. Y/n looked at Gigi heartbroken that Gigi was in pain. He stealthily held her hand causing her to look at him with a slight smile.

Y/m/n: Why has your father exiled you?
Gigi: He found out that I have friendships with your kind. My father hates Werewolves but I seem to be the only Royal to like werewolves. I have disobeyed my father and therefore have been exiled.
Y/f/n: How did you end up here?
Gigi: My memory is blurry but I do know that I was in prison for at least a week until guards came and put me in a wagon and sent me here. I tried going back but it seems that my dad has converged with witches and cast a spell that doesn't allow me to enter.
Y/m/n: I am so sorry dear.
Y/f/n: She is lying!

Y/n looked at his father in anger his eyes turning red he growled. Gigi quickly held his arm stopping him from attacking his dad.

Y/n: She is not lying and I know that for a fact. I can feel that she is telling the truth. Father trust me.

Y/f/n sighed nodding his head. The situation that was just given to him caused his stress to increase.

Y/f/n: Okay I trust you. I am happy that you have found your mate finally. But no doubt this will have some repercussions. Maybe I will be a grandfather in a few years.

Y/n's parents chuckled at Gigi and Y/n's flustered faces. Y/n's parents left the prison cell.

Y/n: Would you like to come to my house? There is a guest bedroom and bathroom. You probably want the rest.
Gigi: That would be nice.

Y/n held out his hand for Gigi to take. When their hands touched a warm safe feeling went throughout their bodies. Their hands fitting together like a puzzle. Y/n and Gigi walked towards Y/n's house their hands swinging. The feeling they both had was something they have never felt. As they were walking a couple of children came up to them laughing and playing.

Y/n: Hey kids. What are you guys doing?

The youngest 6 year old, Dallas, jumped up in front of Y/n.

Dallas: We're playing tag. Wanna play?
Y/n: Sorry kids I'm a little busy at the moment but I promise to play with you later.
Dallas: Okay! Who's she? She's pweety.
Y/n: Sorry buddy she's my mate. Her name's Gigi.

All the kids got excited jumping around Gigi causing her to laugh and interact with the kids. Y/n looked at Gigi in admiration, imagine her with their kids. Y/n shakes his head getting rid of those thoughts it was to early to be thinking about kids.

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