19. rickmancing the stone

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, you have infinite sisters, Morty. I mean, n-not that I want to spend the rest of my day looking for another one," Rick commented and put his portal gun back into his coat. "Sum Sum, lets go! Grandpa's concern for your safety is fleeting!" Cas' eyes widened in impressment as Summer shot the gun at the car, causing it to lean forward and be flung into the air before crashing. Summer ducked out of the way just in time and Cas whistled out in impressment.

"Whoa, that was cool," Rick commented.

Summer made her way over the man from the car, who was dragging himself across the sand, majorly injured. Cas didn't hear what him or Summer said but she did hear the gunshot from Summer. "Summer!" Morty exclaimed.

"Okay, getting darker..." Rick trailed off.

"Jesus christ, Summer!" Morty said as Summer shrugged her shoulders at the approaching men. "Aw, come on," Rick grumbled as him and Cas followed after Morty. The men all dismounted from their vehicles and stood in front of them, the one in front wearing nothing but a bucket on his head and something to cover his crotch.

"Hands and little shoulder-mounted dudes where I can see them," Rick said and pulled his blaster out. Cas lifted her hands up, not letting the wisps reach her hands just yet but ready if needed.

"I am Hemorrhage. You have removed weak blood from us and made us stronger." The man with the bucket on his head said and motioned to the guy Summer had shot. "We can combine our strength and feast on the weak together." Hemorrhage propositioned and Cas rose one eyebrow at that, lowering her hands slightly.

"Wh-wh-what in the hell are you saying?"

"They don't have to keep trying to kill us if we join them. They're basically pussies," Summer replied and Cas shrugged in agreement at the last part. "What is your deal lately?" Morty asked but got no response.

"Alright, lets get sloppy," Rick said and held his weapon up. Cas, however, noticed a much larger rock than the one Rick picked up and elbowed his side slightly, nodding towards it. "Oh, uh, uh, what's that little bobble you got there? Th-th-that's interesting." Rick pointed up to it.

"That is our glowing rock. We carry it with us for desecration, to remind us there are no gods," Hemorrhage replied.

Rick pulled out his device from earlier, noting the rapid beeping and dial moving to far side quickly. "Kids, and Cas, weird pitch - let's have this be our new life. Let's be post-apocalyptic scavengers!" Rick simultaneously cheered and burped out.

"Hell yeah!" Cas grinned widely up at him.

Back at the scavengers camp, Cas stayed close to Rick as they waited in line for food. Cas didn't intend to eat much anyways, noticing nothing here fit her choice of diet anyways. "Wanna bet five bucks that I can get them worshipping me like they do that rock?" Cas whispered, holding her glowing green hand up. Rick chuckled at that but didn't give her a response to her rhetorical bet.

"Grandpa, some of the Death Stalkers are going to what used to be Seattle to hunt what used to be people. I'm going," Summer told them.

"Sounds good," Rick shrugged. "Stay hydrated!" Cas called after her as Summer walked away.

"Listen, Summer's been acting pretty crazy lately. You know, I mean, I think the divorce is affecting her," Morty pointed out. "And you know, I don't think this is a great place for her to be right now."

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