Chapter 1- First Impressions

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I woke up from a nightmare, screaming. I breathed heavily and looked around. I sighed in relief. It was only a dream. Suddenly I felt the earth shake. Once it stopped, I stood up and looked out of my window. "What is going on?" I whispered to myself. I saw a bright light in the distance. I couldn't stop staring at it. I shook my head to snap out of it. I ran outside of my bedroom and saw that my parents were dead on the floor, face down. "Mom... Dad?!" I kneeled down next to them and sobbed heavily. Suddenly, they stood up. I gulped and saw that they weren't who they were before. Their eyes glowed a bright white. They didn't blink, but instead their eyes dimmed. I stood up and froze. They were coming towards me. Suddenly, a man with a worn hooded robe appeared out of nowhere. "Leave her alone minions." They nodded and walked out of the house. I looked at the demented figure that stood before me. "You saved my life! Who are you?" The man had stitches all across his face, as well as several burns. I also barely noticed that a portion of his brain was visible. "My name is Ruvik." I ran to Ruvik and hugged him tight. He pushed me away. "Don't touch me." I nodded and blushed in embarrassment. I tended to be a bit invasive of people's personal space. "Sorry.." He disappeared. "Ruvik?" I trembled nervously. What the hell was going on? The earth shook once more and I collapsed onto the floor, fainting.

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