part 10

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Don't expect a long update for me now because I am busy with my studies and other personal things

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Don't expect a long update for me now because I am busy with my studies and other personal things..

Well you people didn't complete the target and this is my most underrated story so I am thinking to unpublished it..I am not getting the response I want after giving daily updates..

Vote and comment if you all want to.. neither setting target nor expecting any response 💁..

"Anurag what are you doing?" She gasped as he pulled her closer she placed her hand on his chest..

"Loving my" he breathed out leaning close to her lips "WIFE" and locked his lips with her.

He kissed her softly pouring all his love for her..she responded back and moved her hand upward from his chest to his nape.. his hands were busy caressing her waist.. she moaned fisting his hairs as he deepened the kiss pinning her on the wall his hard body pressed against her soft ones when he get to know that she can't take this anymore he left her lips and joined their forheads..

He calmed his breath but she was still breathing heavily.. he hugged her and caressed her back softly to calm her down...

"I love you soo much" he whispered and kissed her head numerous times..

"I am not your fan" she said and he pouted then pulled her in the corner..

"What the fuck you are doing?" She shouted and he placed his palm on her lips and for a second her heartbeat quickened..

"Can't you just talk like a normal person or you have some extra power in your vocal cord" he whispered while she was busy calming her breath which quickened all of a sudden..

He didn't realise that they were standing so close to each other..

"What happen why aren't you answering?" He asked and this time she chucked this unknown weird feeling and glared at him because his palm was still on her lips..

She hardly bit his palm and he withdrew his hand wincing in pain "owww junglee billi" he said blowing air on his palm..

"I told you to stay away from me right?" She questioned glaring at him..

He looked at her then passed her a grin "you are my guest today so I am just taking care of you acche se you know Mehman Nawazi" he said..

She stomped her feet in anger "you are so annoying"

He grinned and leaned closer to her "what the hell" she moved back only to bumped with a wall..

She was actually sandwiched between wall and him "I got know you shouted on anurag because you were thinking that was me" he said and she looked here and there..

Were his close proximity affecting her?

"Wha--what are you do-ing mo-ve
ba-ck" she was trying to sound confident but failed badly..

"I am not doing anything" he said looking at her face..

Was she nervous?

He placed his finger on her chin and made her looked at him..her hands curled into fist..

He broke the hug and pecked her forehead.. she smiled and kissed his palm...

"Come with me" he said and took her to his room and locked the door..

"Anurag mom dad" she said and he sat beside her and squeezed her palm gently..

"They are busy mannat don't take tension" he said caressing her hair..

"I have a feeling something bad is going to happen today" she said and he frowned..

"You are thinking too much baby nothing will happen" he said entwineing their fingers..

"You won't leave me right?" She asked seriously looking into her eyes..

"No baccha I won't leave you you are my everything" he assured caressing her cheek...

"I love you soo much" she said softly and hugged him tightly making him smile..

He placed his finger on her chin and made her looked at him..her hands curled into fist..

He leaned closer to her ear and she closed her eyes.."you are losing yourself girl" he whispered in her ear and she opened her eyes with a jerk and pushed him hard..he stumbled but composed himself..

She was about to leave but he hold her hand and pulled her with a jerk and her back collided with his chest..

"You did a great mistake by slapping The Manik Malhotra" he whispered in her ear and she shuddered feeling his hot breath on her ear, cheeks and neck..

Her breath hitched when his finger touched the zip of her top..he pulled the zip up and she bit her lips as his hands brushed her back.."kuch kuch horaha hai Miss Attitude ko" he whispered and left winking at her..while she stood there placing her hand on her heart..

(Something something is happening with Miss Musibat)

Nandini was walking towards her mom just then she slipped and fell was embarassing for her as she fell down infront of everyone..thou her or his parents didn't saw her as they were on the other side..

Manik was laughing looking at her as she fell down and his mission accomplished of taking revenge from her..yes he planned everything...

She badly sprained her ankle as she was wearing heels and there were some bitches who started laughing seeing her..

"Hey are you ok Beautiful" one handsome boy asked politely..

Nandini looked up and her lips broke into wide smile.."oh my God you here" she squealed not caring about anyone..

"Yes yes I am here come on now stand up" he said and made her stand..

She literally jumped on him hugging him tightly and manik's eyes widened in shock..

Manik was about to walked away but his legs slipped because of the deeds he did with the floor and he also fell down..

Nandini looked at him and laughed out loudly...

His lips found his way to her neck as he left wet kisses and her fingers threaded his hair...he looked up cupping her cheeks then pecked her lips numerous times making her smile..he was about to kiss her once again but his phone started ringing making him groan in frustration..

Seeing the caller ID his eyes widened..

"Yeah dad?" he picked the call after taking a deep breath..

"Where are you anurag?" Raj asked from other side..

"" he stammered badly..

"Stop stammering and come to living room" raj said and hung up the call..

"Where were you Oldie Malhotra?" manik asked as anurag came and stood beside him..

"None of your concern" anurag mumbled his eyes stuck on his phone..

"Hum tum ek kamre mein bandh ho" manik whispered in his ear making his eyes widened..

Anurag looked at his little twin angrily while manik made an innocent face..

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Team MaNan😎 or ManAn😍 well I am in both the team because I love both 😍😍💞💞

More MaNan tashan is on the way and from next update I will show little bit of ManAn flashback.. excited?

Dhamaka is on the way you will get shocked in next update 😎😎😎..

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