part 3

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You people didn't complete the target 😑😑😑

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You people didn't complete the target 😑😑😑..I promise I won't update the chapter next time if you people won't complete the target of 200 votes..

Mannat stepped out of the college after attending her first two classes... fiddling with her duppata she looked here and there in fear not wanting to get caught just then a car stop few steps away from her..

She squealed seeing HIS car..he stepped out buttoning his blazer and her breathe hitched..his aura can her heart beat go wild..well Anurag Malhotra's one look is enough to make every girls heart beat go wild..

"Are you planning to stand here all day" she didn't even get to know when he walked close to her..

She fumbled and stared at his face like a lost kid making him chuckle..

He hold her hand and took her the car... like a gentleman he opened the door of passenger seat he made her sit inside..and he sat on the driving seat..

He started the car and his phone started ringing as it was already connected to the airpods so he picked the call without seeing the call Id..

"Oldie Malhotra outside the St Xavier's College" he heard the voice and his eyes widened..

"Fuck Malhotra" he cursed and mannat's eyes widened.. she looked at him with shocked face as he never used bad words infront of her..he mouth sorry with apologetic look..

"So tell me Oldie Malhotra who's that girl?" His twin The Manik Malhotra asked..

"Junior Malhotra we'll talk about this matter at night ok" Anurag replied gritted her teeth..

"I'll tell maa that you already chosed a girl for yourself" manik said mischievously making him groan..

"Don't you dare to speak a word to maa or dad you will get what you want" anurag replied in defeat and manik squealed..

"So can I take the keys from mom?" Manik asked.. anurag knows he wants his new ferrari car only and he can't even deny because his little twin is blackmailing him..

"Do anything you want now bye" he cut the call and looked at mannat who looking confuse..

"What happen?" She asked softly..

"Nothing" murmuring he hold her small right palm on his left hand and kissed it while driving from the right hand..

They went to Anurag's penthouse as meeting outside will be the disaster for them as anyone can saw them..

"I've missed you soo much" he said hugging her tightly after locking the door..

"I've missed you too" she whispered wrapping her small arms around his back..

He broke the hug and showered kisses on her face making her giggle..

"We are meeting after 20 days" he said and sat on the couch..

She was about to sat beside him but before that he clutched her wrist and pulled her on his lap making her eyes widened..

"It's your place sunshine" he whispered pressing a kiss on her cheek..

"Wait I have something for you" she said and stood up..

He was looking at her with a confused expression as she was taking out something from her bag..

"See I made gajar ka halwa for you" she said like a baby showing the tiffin box..

(Gajar ka halwa means carrot pudding)

"Feed me then" she nodded and sat beside him and he immediately pulled her in his lap..

"How many times I need to remind you that it's your place sunshine" he said and she smiled..

She opened the lid and fed him with the spoon "it's soo tasty" he said licking his lips..

"You like it?" She asked and fed him another spoon..

"I love it" he said taking the spoon from her hand he fed her back..

After sometime..

Anurag was just staring at her caressing her hair as she was busy checking something in her phone..

"Mannat" he called her softly and she immediately looked at him she love the way her name rolled on his tongue.. she stared at him as he was already looking at her intently..she looked down not able to look at his grey eyes which were soft yet passionate..

He made her looked at him and leaned closer to her his thumb rubbed her lower lip making her breath uneven before she could utter his lips hover over hers taking her off guard..she took few seconds to respond to him back softly by sucking his upper lip while her hands caressed his hair..he pulled her more close caressing her lips with his tongue his hands were busy caressing her back..

When he get to know she couldn't take this anymore he broke the kiss but his lips didn't left her skin..he kissed her jaw going downward to neck he threw her duppata away his hands caressed her bare arms all thanks to her sleevless kurti and she shivered..

He cupped her cheeks and about to kiss her once again but her phone started ringing..he ignored and about to join their lips but she placed her palm on his lips.."just a min" she whispered and picked her phone..

Seeing the caller id her eyes widened..she took a deep breath and picked the call..

"Haa nandu say"

"Where are you"

"At coll-college"

"Come to dad's office Anurag Malhotra is coming" mannat eyes widened.. she looked at anurag who was looking at his phone..

"How can he? He is with..." She stopped as she realised what she was about to say..

"Wait what are you saying?" Nandini asked..

"No-nothing" she replied..

"Okay whatever come to office is already waiting for you outside the college" nandini said from the other side..

"But why" mannat asked..

"Just come babe you will get to know everything" nandini replied..

"Ok" she hung up the call and looked at anurag..

At the same moment anurag's phone beeped with a message..he opened the message as it was from raj..

Anurag you have to go to Murthy Heights yash wants to meet know how to handle this situation if something gets wrong then I am just a call away..

"Your dad called me" he said and she palmed her face..

"And even nandini called me there" she said being tensed..

He stood up and picked her duppata and handed it to her.."we are strangers there ok?"he said and she nodded..

"Drop me back to college my driver is waiting there for me" he nodded and kissed her forehead..

"Dad ko pata chal gaya kya" she mumbled rubbing her sweaty palms..

(What if dad got to know about us?)

"Naah I am 100% sure he is calling me for the project" he said and hold her hand gently rubbing her knuckles to clam her down..

Okay how's the update? Liked it or loved it..

How's ManAn? 😍😍😍 They are so cute 😍💓..

I love the way Manik blackmailed Anurag 😂😂😂😂..

Rate the update 1-10..

Up for the Nandini Murthy and Anurag Malhotra's face off 😎😎😎..

Well MaNan meet may take little time 🙊🙊..

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