Chapter 3

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After the incident last night at the prom, TaeYeon make sure that Nick would be expell from college, the parents of the guy begged for her mercy but didn't showed up when they arranged to meet instead she send SooYoung and her bestfriend explained everything with a strong evidence against Nick's behavior who tried to raped an innocent girl, the news spread out to the whole campus and cause a huge negative on the famous boy-next-door image of Nick that many of the women disgusted by him so he immediately dropped out himself without the expell notice.

"I don't know what I should say to you for what happen last night." The two arrived safely at Tiffany's home but neither of them said a word except from "drive safely" from the younger woman.

TaeYeon stayed silence before she clears her throat.

"Sorry I've left you on that dickhead." TaeYeon sighed before she went back to her work from her laptop. Tiffany dropped by at the billionaire's office after her last period with the help of Choi SooYoung who gave her the exact address of the empire.

"No, I should be the one whose sorry because I was blinded by Nick's charm." Tiffany held back her tears and couldn't face the older woman across her. They were sitted across each other and only the huge elegant desk parted them, TaeYeon secretly glancing at the girl and felt guilty over the matter, well, she's a little bit disappointed which was strange of her but she held herself back not to be so affectionate that also cause her failed marriage with her ex-wife. She needed to adjust and loose with these kind of emotions and sort of things before she would finally said her final words which was very hard for her because she's usually cold and quiet to be a close acquaintance. She barely smile with everyone and shows gratitude, she wasn't like that, maybe when she's in the mood or her employee has been improved and need to be complimented, SooYoung will be the one to expressed and send her gratitude on them by giving gifts or a salary increase.

"I'm not good with words since I'm rarely compliment others when they do a good job or a simple things that makes me happy. I'm weak at these stuffs so don't misunderstood me." TaeYeon confessed which was out of the blue, she doesn't want to add Tiffany on people who hated her bitchy attitude list. She wanted the girl to be her at least someone she could shows the real her, she's comfortable with Tiffany but the word "love" doesn't even exist in between her feelings towards the latter. A newfound friendship for her aside from SooYoung.

"How can I make up with you? I'm still have a debt on you so paying you back wasn't on the list for now." Tiffany honestly said before TaeYeon stood up from her seat and take the latter's hand.

"Follow me."


After a few hours of driving from her office they finally arrived at the calm abd peaceful Daecheon beach, they were a still a few people spending time since it was an office hours, TaeYeon decided to walked along the sand while watching the blue sea and enjoying the views as well that makes her calm when she needed to breathe some fresh air and it took some few years since she last visited the place with her ex-wife, she couldn't moved on with Sooyeon not when the woman used to be her first love who accepted her as a whole even her worst side, TaeYeon has the habit of physically hurting someone without realizing it and she knew herself that it's better to be alone most of the times, she doesn't want to hurt another person again and thought that Sooyeon must be with someone else who will loved her and makes her smile everyday unlike when she's with her, they often fought then make up but mostly they yelled at each other with hurtful words.

"Miss Kim?" TaeYeon snapped back into her senses and looked at the girl whose following beside her.

"I'm sorry just thinking of work stuff." She balled her fist and trying to held back the strong emotions suddenly wanted to burst, the feelings she kept for a long time since Sooyeon left her but she rather let the woman be with the one who will not hurt her.

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