Chapter 1

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"Did I hire you to be this freaking stupid?" TaeYeon yelled at her employee who gave her a trash report that she needed for tomorrow.

"FINISH. IT. TODAY. AT. 4PM OR SAY GOODBYE. TO. YOUR. JOB." TaeYeon angrily get to the point as she watched her poor employee collected the documents on the floor.

"Yes Ms. Kim!" The poor employee hastily run outside the CEO office in a hurry to finish the presentation that was due today.

"Crap." The mad woman looked at herself in the mirror and checks her face there's any sign of wrinkles will shown.

"I need to get an appointment to my dermatologist by tomorrow." She fan herself while her other hand stretching the skin of her face.

"Those freaking employees got into my nerves every single day. Why couldn't they do their job SERIOUSLY and PERFECTLY." She said to herself as she remembers the incident awhile ago.

"I need to talk with Sooyoung." She press her office phone directed to her personal assistant and bestfriend.

"Hey what's up boss? I'm sure you're frowning right now. Need my help? But you have to pay me extra bucks for extra services." Sooyoung knew her better than anybody in their workplace and she's been grateful to her existence but not the times when she was teased as a timid short person outside their work.

"Great Soo! You and your money problems." She scoffed and tells her to make an appointment for tomorrow.

"Roger that but my lunch is on you for tomorrow boss." Sooyoung already hangup when TaeYeon try to talk back.

"Sure. Great. Awesome friend. Blah. Blah. Blah" She sighed heavily as she loosen her tie and folded her sleeves.

"Long tiring week for me again." She get back to work and prepare for the business deal with their new client for tomorrow.


"Hey Tiff wanna hangout today?" Her college friends offers the most dedicated girl in class.

"No, not today I have exam tomorrow." Tiffany immediately turned them down yet she rarely hangout by the way.

"Oh, sure got it. Bye!" Tiffany bid goodbye when her friends went off and she stays at the library to finish off her homework before she go home later.

"Must finish this before I get home. There's no even a wifi in grandma's house." Tiffany is the only child of Hwang couple who died from a car accident, grandma Hwang adopted her so she could take care of her grandchild but they lived in not-so-fortunate life that Tiffany need to do some part time jobs after school but she has no schedule for today so better get home early.

"Oh, crap forgot my phone somewhere." She searched for her phone and remember the cafe she went not to long ago.


"Hoodie is the best outfit to wear outside and no one recognize you too." TaeYeon's habit was to seek for her freedom and breathe outside of work for a few moment of her hectic life. She usually take a walk in the Han river or Seoul Park and she loves coffee too.

"One cafe Americano please." She order her usual and paid before she went into her favorite spot inside the cafe when she spotted a pink smartphone.

"Eww. Is this a junk? I didn't even know that this thing still exist?" The rich woman observe the smartphone if still working and looked for the rightful owner.

"HEY EXCUSE ME IT'S MINE." TaeYeon startled by a loud voice behind her when the phone gone from her hand and take by the random strange girl.

"That junk is yours?" TaeYeon insulted the girl's phone but really she's on her serious face and the fact that the short billionaire was an oblivious one, not knowing about someone else feelings and emotions.

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