As we were walking I notice this place were ruins of some kind and the statue of a different kind on the ground were lightsabers.

Me: This was a battlefield.

Kanan: Yeah, between the sith and the Jedi.

Ezra: What do you think to happen here?

Me: Kid it's best not to think about it, from what I could tell no one won. It is just a graveyard of ghosts.

Kanan: Yeah, we should keep moving.

Ezra: Well, if you ask me, this whole planet is a riddle.

Kanan: So if its a riddle, what's the question?

Ezra: Why is Kanan such a...

Then we hear a whooshing sound, I turn to see a red saber slash at Ezra but her blocks the attack and push him away from him. We all got our weapons out the three Jedi's got into a stance while I point my assault rifle at the assailant.

???: Three Jedi and the warrior?

Ezra: An Inquisitor!

Ezra charge at the Inquisitor and the other two follow I shoot my weapon he dogges Ezra attack and my bullets though one scrap his shoulder. Before we pursuit the Inquisitor he launches something at us and it explodes in front of us, I move Kanan and Ahsoka out of the way though the floor underneath Ezra claps and him falling in.

Kanan: Ezra!

We ran to the hole and see him on the ground while holding the back of his head.

Kanan: Ezra! are you okay! Can you hear me?

Ezra: *groans* Yeah, I'm okay *stand up*

Ahsoka: He's getting away, let's go!

Ezra: Don't worry about me, I'll catch up.

Kanan and I soon follow Ahsoka chasing the Inquisitor.


Third pov.

The two Jedi and six chases the Inquisitor for while now, they jump from stone to stone or climb over it and the Inquisitor is still from there reach.

Kanan: Never see an Inquisitor run from me before.

Ahsoka: Maybe it because he's outnumbered.

Six: Or hes was hunting someone else.

Ahsoka: Then who is he tracking?

Six: I don't know, whoever it is, their down here somewhere.

Kanan: *com went on* You found the ship? Where?

Chopper: grunting

Kanan: No, no. forget it. Get over to the ship. Do not let take off! We'll follow your signal.

As the three follow the signal they were not far from the source and once they went over a peck on the hill they see the Inquisitor and chopper inside the TIE, we got closer to fight him but Chopper fire its guns at the Inquisitor knocking his saber out of his hand he crawl to it but six puts his foot on it and point their weapon at him and the Inquisitor looks down at his defeat.

Kanan: Chopper sometimes you do it right.

Six grab him and put him in cuffs and force him to kneel.

Kanan: Your the four Inquisitor we've seen. How many are there?

Fouth: More than enough for the two of you but not you spartan. Nothing can save you.

Kanan: Why are you on Malachor?

Fourth: Hunting...

Ahsoka: But you were not expecting us. Who are you after?

Fourth: *Chuckles* A shadow...

As the three interrogate the Inquisitor the ground began to shake and turn thier attention to the temple that lighting up.

Six: I don't like the looks of it.

Kanan: Get back to the Phanton and get ready to leave.

Chopper: grunts *salute*.

As Chopper leaves them, Six grabs the Inquisitor making him follow them to the temple.


As they reach the temple entrance it was close and no way into the temple.

Kanan: He's inside, I know it. But there no way he lifted that door.

Ahsoka: Not without help.

Fourth: *chuckled*

Kanan: Com went off* What is it Chopper.

Chopper: Grunts

Kanan: What do you mean we've got company?

Fourth: *laughing*

Kanan: What so laughing at?!

Six: I think he's laughing at them.

The two look up hearing lightsabers which were Seventh sister and Fith brother flying toward us. The fifth land and attack the three rebels while the seventh free thier brother and retrieve his saber, and battle the rebels; the fifth slash at Kanan, fourth attacks Ahsoka, and the seventh went for the spartan. He shoots his weapon but Seventh easily dogages them she went to slash at him but six evaded using the energy sword to block her attack.

Seventh: *uncovers her face* Well, hello handsome. glade to see me?

Six: Not exactly.

Seventh: Well, I am.

He pushed her away and went to attack but he was kicked away by the fourth brother and landed on his feet near the two Jedi. The three notice they were surrounded by the three Inquisitor as they charge at the rebels Ahsoka and Kanan block the fifth brother and six blocks seventh and fourth attacks, the rebel fight against the Inquisitors blocking, slashing, and striking while they trade opponents.

Kanan: Ezra!

Ezra: Kanan, Ahsoka, and SIx I brought help.

The rebels turn around and see an old man walking out of the temple

The rebels turn around and see an old man walking out of the temple

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Ahsoka: Maul.

Fourth: The Shadow.

Maul: What fun....*luaghing* What fun!

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