Chapter 3

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Nobel Six pov.

We arrive at their ship... And I thought of several words that come to my mind.

Me:" What piece of junk".

Girl: I know what your thinking. It's not much but she can outrun a Star destroyer. Stay here with Zeb while I get Kanan and Hera.

Once she left both of us, it was quiet between the two of us though I prefer the silence. I heard him whisper this is awkward.

Zeb* Cleared his throat to gain my attention* So whats you name.

Me: You can call me Nobel Six or Six.

Zeb: Nobel Six? that's not a name.

Me: That's my callsign and sticks that way.

Zeb: OK then..... Umm, are you in the military or Bounty Hunter.

Me: No I'm not Bounty Hunter, Yes I'm in the military but I'm not associated with those plastic soldiers.

Zeb: So If you're not apart of the Imperials, then who are you--.

I didn't really pay attention to him afterward, I was too focused on my motion track. I see dozen of hostile behind the door that we came from and I see to more on the roof hiding behind a pipe. I slowly grabbing a grenade from my belt pulling the pin and quickly tossing the grenade on roof killing soldiers.


Right on cue, the white armor soldiers barge in.      

armor officer: Stop that ship blas-

I shot the officer at mid-sentence, the soldier halt and check their officer and then look at me.

Me: Pathetic plastic soldiers. 

Sabine Wren Pov.

I talking too Kanan about the armored man and he needs help but we heard an explosion outside.

Hera: Guys ! the Imperial forces found us!

Sabine: Oh Shoot.

Kanan: Get us out of here.

  Hera: ON IT!

Kanan: Sabine, gets Zeb and the mystery man in here.

Me: Got IT!.

I ran quickly out of the ship and what I saw shocked and stained my memory. The ground was filled with blood and dead troopers. Laying there, my thoughts grew painful. I see the Armor man punching a trooper in the chest several times stunning him and around kick on his stomach send the trooper to the wall. another trooper went for a punch but the armored man grabs his arm went behind him and broke his neck. He looks at the last three troopers and they look at each other and cowardly retreat. I snap my self back to reality and called Zeb and armor man to the ship, got into the ship and I shut the door. 

 me: *click my radio on my helmet* Ok Hera were on board your in the clear.

Hera: Copy That.

I ran toward the bridge where the whole crew is at.

I ran toward the bridge where the whole crew is at

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