Chapter 16

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*Third pov.*

The rebels exist out of hyperspace and get a view of the cloudy planet Yarma.

The rebels exist out of hyperspace and get a view of the cloudy planet Yarma

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Sabien: No Imperial traffic on the scopes but no sign of the station either.

Hondo: It is down there my friends and those ships are right for plunder.

Sabien: There's no telling what we're flying into.

Ezra: Let's find out take us down.

The descent down to the planet entering the atmosphere. The rebels see nothing but clouds though eventually, the rebels see a clearing view of the station.

Sabien: There it is Reklam Station.

Ezra: Chopper, get a count on those bombers.

Chopper: *grunts*

Appears on the console was a hologram of the station.

Appears on the console was a hologram of the station

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(Couldn't find a hologram image)

Ezra: There! Y-wing bombers. Looks like they're in decent shape too.

Sabien: Yeah, but cording choppers scan there's only fifteen left.

See one of the bombers destroyed by the incinerator.

Sabien: Correction there are only fourteen left. It looks like they're being destroyed.

Ezra: We need to move in now there won't be any ships if we wait.

Zeb: Now hold on our orders were to recon the station not go after the ships.

Rex: We should advise the captain syndulla.

Ezra: What if the empire tracks our transmission. I was given command of this mission! I know what the objective was! I am changing it! We're going in now that's in order!

Rex didn't like the idea of Ezra's order neither did Zeb and Hondo, but since he is the commanding officer they must follow.

Saben: Yes sir."I wish Six was here."

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