Chapter 22

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I decided to wear a dress for today since I have this tingling feeling in my stomach that something might happened today, and that something is I don't know. I brushed my hair two hundred times already and I have never brush my hair this much. I curled them again and brush them again, it was a complete disastrous action for my hair but in the end I decided to lightly curl it, Making it look like an ocean wave. Not that I'm nervous around with Jordan but something is about to happened.

I rub my sweaty hands together and I cringe at the wet consistency I had on my palms and grab towel and wipe my palms dry.

"Mommy?" Zeke called, making me look at him. He was standing at the door holding the door knob on his right hand. "Is Jordan coming?"

"Yeah, he will." I said turning my self to face him. "Would you like to come?"

"Can I?"

I smiled, "Of course! Why not?"

"I don't know him," He says looking down at his cute little feet.

Oh I almost forgot, Zeke was only a toddler when we live here in Australia. Zeke barely remembers Roxan and Carla, though I always remind him who both they're since I don't want my son growing up with such bad manners —Even though I hated their guts— And of course he greets them with a warm welcome hug. As for Jordan, he did visit when Zeke and I still live here but Zeke was only two months old, Zeke heard a few words from him but he had never meet Him, never had a hi and hello greetings in person. Jordan was focusing on his studies, long story short away from Perth, Engineering must be very hard.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said while I went to his direction, "But your Uncle Jordan meet you, you were only two months old. It's impossible for you to remember."


I nodded, "Yes, come on let's go chance."

"But I haven't take a bath yet." He complained.

"You haven't?"

He giggled, "Nope."

"You are stingky!" I pinch my nose pretending to cover my nose with his stingkiness. I hope that word exist.

"I'm going to take a bath real quick!" Zeke exclaimed and run through the bathroom.

Chuckling, I grab my phone and read a message from Jordan.

"I'll be there in 10 mins."

I went to the kitchen to wash my hands and I glance outside the window, the flowers were blooming. I mean, really blooming. It's summer isn't? I hope they stay healthy. A part of me longs to grab a flower, but what for?

Turning around to wipe my hands, I look at the top of the fridge. There were flowers in the flower vase peacefully standing at the top, I didn't notice we have a flowers in here. When did they put flowers in here?



Why am I thinking of flowers?


It can't be.

I squeal when I heard the doorbell rang. A hand in my heart, I didn't notice that I was panting. Slowly catching my breath I went to the door and open it.

Jordan's happy face appeared in my view. I tried to smile, "Hi," I breathed. "Hello." I smiled again.

"Are you okay?" His smile was vanished and replaced with a worried face. "Angelica?"

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