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We were sitting in the grass with my other friends. Of course, I was laying down feeling the sun on my face. I saw a shadow above me.

I opened my eyes to see Clark standing right above me. He bent down and brushed my growing bangs out of my face. I looked up and smiled.


I used to always say "hi" when I was feeling a little out of sorts of what to say.

"Hi" he said back with a toothy smile.

I stood up with him.

"Scarlet! Come over here and let me braid your hair! It's a hot mess." My friends hissed.

I pursed my lips. I managed to say, "I don't know."

A little while later we were all sitting and talking nonsense. I soon stood up again.

"Hey Clark, wanna play truth or dare?"

I laughed and gave him a shove.

"Yeah, okay Scarlet but take it easy!!"

He talked with his little 13 year old voice... Of course he never did hit puberty to get his voice change that he always dreamed of.

"Okay, okay. I dare you... To..."

I was trying to think about what to say. We were at recess, and there was a spot on the far side that was dark and really scary. No one ever dared to go there, but Clark was a daredevil. He couldn't bare to not do a dare.

"I dare you to go over ... THERE!"

I pointed to the spot. His eyes widened.

"Um... I don't think this is a very good idea."

All of a sudden I saw terror on his face that I've never seen before. I was too brave though. I gave him a playful poke. He smiled slightly.

"Fine, I'll do it. But just if you go with me."

I grabbed his arm.


I ran with him over to the spot. It was scarier than I thought it would be. That was the first time I felt eyes on me. Clark was standing in front of me.

"Scarlet are you okay?" He asked me.

I said, "I'm fi-"

before I could finish I felt someone cut my leg.


I fell on my butt. There was dark red blood all over. I saw a man in ripped garments. He was big and scary. "Scarlet?" Clark turned around. "Hey!" He kicked the guy in the stomach. "Oh no you don't!" The big guy waved his finger at him. "You better f*ck off you little b*stard!"

I stood up and grabbed his arm. I heard the clicking of a gun and the crack of the fire. He was trying to shoot us while we were running!! We ran and ran until we got to the lunch tables. It was time to go in anyway. Clark and me looked at each other for a really long time. I saw in his eyes that he was crying before.

"Sc-scarlet?" Clark was shaking.


He took a deep breath. "A-are you hurt??"

He sounded concerned about me.

"I'm fine but are YOU okay? You seem scared to death."

He fell. I saw blood.


I lifted his head only to see a gunshot on the side of it.

"Clark! Clark!!!!"

I was screaming louder than I ever had before. I was sobbing too.

"Clark! Stay with me! It'll be okay we'll take you to the hospital!!"

I managed to say that in between sobs. "Somebody!! HELP!!!" I was screaming and yelling that my throat was soar. My teacher came over.

"What the hell happened!! Scarlet call 911!!! CALL 911 NOOWWWWW!!"

In a matter of seconds the paramedics and the ambulances and the police trucks were all there. They were even louder than I've ever heard. As they put Clark in the stretcher I was trying to run with the stretcher.

I whispered, "Clark, if you can hear me. Then good."

I was crying so much that it was hard to speak.

"Say something." I whispered a little louder.

"Sc-scarlet. Is y-your leg okay? H-he cut you."

I cried even more because he was sitting there dying and he was worried about my cut. I climbed on the cart and the paramedics looked like they were actually... Crying. I hugged him hard.

"SCARLET! GET OVER HERE!!" The teacher was yelling for me.

I knew that this might of been it for Clark... And I think he knew it too. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and his eyes snapped wide open... And he smiled his innocent smile.

"Goodbye Scarlet."

I stepped off the cart and I walked as slow as possible back to my teacher who was all the way on the other side of the parking lot. There was blood on my face and my arms and shirt because of all the blood from Clark.
On my leg there was a really big gash that hurt, but it didn't nearly hurt as much as my heart did. I was crying loudly though.

I covered my face with my hands to stop myself from crying, but I couldn't.


A day later the doctors reported something that I knew was coming

. "Miss? Sorry to say, but we haven't picked up any pulse."

I knew what that meant. He started saying "I know how it feels" and all that other crap. But he didn't. My best friend. My mate. My buddy... My crush.

Clark was DEAD.

The StalkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ