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Øo Prologue oØ  

Ø Akira Suzuki Ø

Lights danced across the stage, flashing and streaming against the small form before me. It's always been like this. His dark mysteriousness catching my attention in ways no one else could. Maybe it was the way he performed, the sway of his hips, the sparkle in his eyes as he sang to his fans, the passion in his voice, but maybe it's something deeper. I think he holds a secret to himself, a reason for him being so self-contained, so quiet, so ... detached. 

As the song ended, like always he politely bowed and thanked everyone for today's work. The small smile he gave was full of meaning, but his eyes spoke louder. You could see the shadows beneath them, the lingering sadness that escaped, and the worry that strained his voice. Not a day passes that I don't notice, but I never speak of it. Only giving him a casual nod as I wait nonchalantly against a wall. Only once have I caught his attention, and my heart wept the moment it left. 

I wanted to know him, wanted him to reveal those concealed secrets to me. When his eyes met mine, I couldn't help the smirk that lifted my lips. The slight caution as he averted his eyes kept me at a distance, but the faint blush that tinted his cheeks pale pink made me crave more of him. I sighed to myself lifting my bass from the stand. 

Takanori, just who are you?  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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