Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"And they said you were hard to handle."

I smiled. Hard to handle hey. Well, I better keep up that then. When he had finished with the halter and lead rope I jumped forward and trotted out the trailed dragging him along with me. I watched as his smug smile faded. I came to a stop by a water trough and he stood beside me panting. I bumped him with my shoulder and watched as he toppled into the cold water. He jumped out quickly and raised his hand ready to hit me when a very powerful voice filled the air,

"Bradly, don't you dare!" 

The vamp placed his dripping hand down by his side and hung his head low. Chase, who was now wearing baggy jeans and a tight T-shirt, marched up to the vamp, who's name I'm guessing was Bradly. With a stern look on his face, he snatched my lead rope and stroked down my neck in a soothing manner.

"What do you think you were doing?" Chase hissed trying not to bring attention to the vampire's mistake.

"Sorry sir, but I swear she heard what I said and pushed me into the water."

"She's a horse Bradly she doesn't understand English, your on mucking duty for the rest on the month and if I ever see you go to hit a horse again you will be thrown out of this pack quicker than you can run."

Bradly, with his head ,hung low, walked towards the barn and towards his punishment. Chase turned to me and pointed a finger,

"You missy need to act like a horse if you don't want to blow your cover I have enough on my plate at the moment without needing to teach you how to act like a horse."

I snorted a response before he led me towards one of the empty paddocks. He opened the gate and took off my halter I bumped him with my head before turning and galloping to the other end of the paddock. I came to a stop just in front of the wooden fence and brought my head down to graze.


I thought they had forgotten about me. I looked up at the pith black sky then back over the paddock gate. How dare they leave me out here in the cold. It felt cold enough to snow and I wanted to be in the warm barn. I let out a short whinny hoping someone would come to get me. I looked towards the pack's house as a figure walked towards the door before lighting a lighter. Not thinking this was normal and not wanting the house -and mostly Chase- to be burnt down I hopped silently over the gate and towards the figure. 

I was standing behind him looking at what he was doing over his shoulder. He was pouring a grey powder over the porch and holding a lighter. I snorted in his ear causing him to jump and turn around to face me. Now he was like 5'4 and I was nearly 17 hands in horse form so about 6ft compared to him. I brought my neck forward and took the lighter out of his hands while he was frozen in fear. It was then -finally- I head Adler yell from in the house,

"Lyra's still out in the paddock."

Footsteps were heard in the house and the small guy (who seemed to be having a heart attack) tried to jump onto me to get away. I snorted as he pulled on my mane and pulled himself up onto me. I reared as he kicked me hard in the side as felt him slide off. I stood over him one of my hooves on his stomach to make sure he couldn't get away.

The door swung open to Adler who looked at the scene in front of him. I had managed to set the small cigarette lighter on so the flame was pointing down at the man who I was holding captive under my hoof.  It must look really weird because it looks like I'm about to set the person on fire. Adler, sounding British, managed to choke out a few words,

"What on earth is going on here?"

I looked between the man and Adler before dropping the still lit lighter by the guys head I watched as he blew the flame out before trying to push my heavy hoof off his chest. Chase then appeared at the door looking like he had been dragged through a hedge I tried to keep my laughter internal. 

"Adler get the boy and place him in the cells I will sort out the horse."

"The horse" Lyra snorted "He just called us the horse."

"Chill girl, we are a horse." I said rolling my eyes before turning back into reality. 

Adler had been trying to push my hoof off the man while I was talking to Lyra. I moved my hoof quickly and stepped back so the man could get off. Chase was crouching by the porch looking at the weird powder. I nuzzled him and he patted my neck before getting up from the crouched position and walked me towards the barn.

He opened a free stall and allowed me to get in there before going into the tack room and coming back out with some carrots. He gave me one and paced the other on the door before grabbing my water bucket and filling it up, he did care about me. He was about to leave but I wanted to tell him something so quickly shifted,

"Chase" I called coving my body with my arms.

"Yes," He called turning back around while taking off his top an passing it to me.

"The date was good today even if it didn't go to planned." I said with a slight smile.

"There was one more thing I wanted to do." He said with a cocky smile.

"And what was that." I said with a girly smile on my face.

"This" He said leaning over the stable door and grabbing my face gently in between his soft hand He then pulled my closer to his face allowing me to pull back anytime. Our lips met in the middle and we had a very sweet kiss. Chase brought his hand to my hair and pulled it through a few times keeping us together for longer. 

It didn't last long before Adler to walk in on us. I pulled back quickly, wiping my hand across my face. Chase licked his lips and tried to control the blush crawling up his cheeks. Adler walked straight past us and into the tack room when he came back out shortly after.

"You two really need to get a room" He said with an eye roll.

"We have a room." I said, "Its called my stall."

"No like a proper room with a lock so no little kids walk in on your love games."

"Good thing her stall is built with a lock then." Chase said grabbing my hand and pulling me in for another quick kiss while Adler made gagging noises.

"Stop, stop, my poor heart can't survive all the love you two have."

They both walked out bumping into each other like brothers. I brought my hand to my lips, which hummed after out gentle kiss. I then took off Chases shirt and placed it on the stall door next to my last carrot. I took a long breath in and touched my humming lips one last time before shifting. I left the carrot for tomorrow and hung my head in a light sleep.

Authors Note- Story time lol

So I went riding on Saturday, all went good, didn't fall off until right at the end. I was on a horse called Brayley, he's amazing love him so much. Small problem, he is huge. 17.2 hands the tallest horse there. I wasn't meant to be on him I was meant to be on a horse called Miggy. My friend who was leading me hadn't ridden him before and he was her favourite horse so she was jealous. Anyway so all was good managed to do trot on the first time (Very bad at it at the moment) when our hour was up we had to dismount. I dismounted and them walked backwards a few steps to try and regain my balance. 

It was then I fell over. right behind another horse who was known for kicking people, so your lucky I'm here because I could have been kicked in the head and been in hospital just because I can't dismount. After falling over I was asked if I was all right and you wanna know what I said,

That was fun...

Mental face palm.Think I my have hit my head somehow. I am so not saying that if I fall of again. Got to go back there soon to talk to the staff about working there to earn for riding lessons and am so embarrassed about what I said. My friend found it funny, I didn't.

Anyway hope you liked the chapter, ask questions if you like and I will answer then in a Authors Note while writing chapters because I think that will be fun and give you a chance to get to know me. Last thing this took so long because the old author was busy which means this hasn't been edited so there will be mistakes, (if you spot any let me know). Anyway don't forget to....

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