Chapter 1 The Picture Frame

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Princess's POV

As I was walking inside the home of our hideout, I came across some pictures of our family when they were pur age. That's when baby Jay and baby Jasmine came walking towards me.

"Big sister Princess!" Both of my siblings exclaimed while smiling as I picked them up.

"Hey, baby Jay, baby Jasmine, have you always been curious about what are parents were like when they were our age?" I wanted to know as they shook their heads no.

"Well, I'm curious about this picture not looking at. And I see that it's a picture of Daddy's saving Neverland of some sort."  I told them as I placed them down back on their feet and took the picture as we ran into our parent bedroom.

*Knock, knock*

"Come in kids!" We heard Mommy say as I opened the door as baby Jay and baby Jasmine ran to as I walked over to daddy's bed.

"Hey daddy, you never told me stories about this." I exclaimed referring to the picture frame of him.

"Hey, I remember that day! It was the day I saved Neverland, from disappearing." Daddy told me.

"Don't remind me, Jake that was a sad day for me." Mommy exclaimed.

"And me." Uncle Cubby said as we looked up to see him on top of the bunk bed.

"Yeah jake, it was the saddest day ever you will have to Neverland to explore the lands beyond the never sea with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. I thought I was going to lose you forever." Mommy said.

"Okay, okay, okay don't stop crying. But, I came back because you guys needed help and I wasn't going to let Captain Hook destroy our team treasure chest." Daddy told her.

"And if my memory serves correctly, cubby, you are the one that said.... "So I guess you're going to go back with Peter to explore the lands beyond The Never sea?" Mommy said while doing an impression of Uncle Cubby.

"Well yeah, he did say that is he. But I answered him at the end saying..... "Actually, I'm not going anywhere." Daddy answered.

"The good news is that Peter Pan understood." Mommy exclaimed.

"Anyway Princess, why would you bring something up like that?" Daddy asked.

"Because I want to see how it felt for you." I told him.

"So let me get this straight, you want to go back in time, to the day Jake saved Neverland from disappearing?" Uncle Cubby wanted to know.

"Well if you put it that way Uncle Cubby, then yes." I answered him with my adorable smile.

"Yay hey no way, I'm not sending my three kids nine years into the past." Mommy said.

"Mommy, we'll be fine. Look I will watch over my little sister and brother. I mean it's  not like they'll run away." I told her.


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