Chapter 2 Thinking about 10 years into the past

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Princess's POV

"Yay hey, no way I am not sending our kids 10 years into the past." Mommy said.

"We'll be fine Mommy. Listen, I will watch all of my little brother and sister." I told her.

"I don't know princess, what if something goes wrong and you ruin something?" Daddy asked.

"Daddy, nothing bad is going to happen I promise. Once we enter the Pacific date, Baby Jay, baby Jasmine, and I will be hiding in the bushes you guys won't even see us." I answered.

"Okay, but what if we do?" Uncle Cubby wanted to know.

"Then I'll just make something up." I told him.

"I'm sorry, but princess you're not going 10 years into the past and that's final." Mommy said as Baby Jay and baby Jasmine started to whimper.

"But why? All I want to do is see my 7-year-old daddy in action." I explained.

"I understand sweetie, but traveling to the past is a really big risk. You can mess up the whole space time continuum and the future." Mommy said.

"Exactly listen to your mother." Uncle Cubby agreed

"You can't possibly agree with Mom Uncle Cubby." I said.

"I already did, and I hope Jake agrees with me as well because if you're not going to the past. And neither is Baby Jay or baby Jasmine and that's final." Uncle Cubby told me.

"You know what? Come on baby Jay baby Jasmine we're going to the past." I told them.

"Yay, road trip!" Both of my siblings exclaimed as they left.

"And how on Earth are you three going to get to 2013?" Daddy asked.

Izzy's POV

"Dr. Undergear can help us get to the year 2013." Princess suggested.

"Uh, we can try but I doubt he's going to help." Jake said as we all went on Bucky and sailed to gear island to see Dr. Undergear

Gear Island.....

Once we arrived, we went inside Dr. Undergear's lair

"Hello, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and the little rascals! What can I do for you guys?" Dr. Undergear asked.


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