"I'm just having some fun."
I giggled again seeing him flush along with the rest of his team. I watched 2 of the men basically pounce on him saying something about 'that should've been me' or something along those lines.

"Nice spike Angel."
Kuroo praised as he rubbed my head and messed up my hair slightly.
I took his hand off my head and flipped my head forwards and ruffled my hair more before looking up at the Karasuno and the Aobajohsai guys.
It seemed to go in slow motion with them all practically drooling now.

"Wait your name is Angel?!"
A guy with a buzz cut from Karasuno basically yelled at me.
"It's not but It's my nickname so I guess you can call me that."
I smiled brightly seeing their faces go pale before exploding with a burst of energy.

I heard the ball being smacked into the serve while I was laughing, Oikawa saved the ball before another guy got to it and got the set up.
Oikawa went for the spike as I dashed towards it and kept up with him enough that I was able to block the spike and send it flying to the ground.

"Nice try baby, maybe next time I'll give you a second head start."
I smirked seeing him fume at my words, all three teams were just staring at me with their jaws on the floor.

"You shouldn't taunt."
Kenma finally said lowly, he seemed to be enjoying the show though.
"Why not? Taunting is the most fun part in gaming. Why wouldn't it be on here?"
I giggled seeing him roll his eyes, my gaze shifted back to Oikawa who was glaring daggers into me.

"That girl is amazing!!"
"She's even faster than Hinata!"
"She was able to block so fast!"
The Karasuno guys cheered from the stands, I smiled and blew a kiss up at them and watched them fight over it.
I looked back at Kuroo and he definitely didn't seem pleased with me.

"What's wrong?"
I tilted my head looking up at him while he just scoffed before turning his attention to the net.
I shrugged but smirked knowing full well that he was jealous but it was cute watching him pout.
It was basically a clean sweep by us, Kuroo was able to defend with me when necessary, Kenma was able to send sets to me and the other spikers on the team.
Oikawa seemed to be off his game today since he had missed 3 serves and the rest of the team was falling apart with his sets being slightly off.
The game finished with me getting one final spike.

"Next time I'll try, it was hard playing and fixing my dress the whole game."
I shrugged while I walked to get water from the coach, he handed it to me with a large smile on his face but he still had wide eyes.

"You don't play professional volleyball?"
"I'm a professional gamer, volleyball is just fun for me."
I didn't exactly know what else to say since it looked like I had killed him with my words.
I just laughed softly and walked over to Aobajohsai, the team seemed to welcome my presence with open arms.
Other than Oikawa.
He seemed to be mad about something since he had a dark aura around his body while the rest of the team was just swooning.
I walked up to him and kneeled down, he was sitting so I could actually look him in the eyes.

"Hey sorry, I'm use to taunting in game so it's a force of habit."
I apologized as he looked up at me with basically puppy eyes.
"How did you do that?"
"My aim is a lot better cause of my games then I just needed to run fast and hit hard."
I giggled seeing him scoff at me and turn his head pouting.
I heard a bunch of girls basically yelling at me from the stands.

"Get away from him!"
"He's mine!"
"He doesn't need a girl like you!"
I giggled slightly, he looked up at me with a confused look plaguing his expression.
"It seems you have a group of fans too. I know how that feels, I kinda don't like mine though since they all just want me in bed."
I admitted while he just started laughing with a raspy voice, he had clearly been crying but had stopped a few minutes prior.

I was still ignoring the praises from Karasuno, Aobajohsai, and the Nekoma guys while I talked with Oikawa.
"Well they probably want the same thing from me too."
He looked kinda mad at himself when he said this so I just sighed and figured I needed to cheer him up.
I kissed his cheek and watched him look up at me and place his hand over his cheek.
Now there were jealous protests from the teams and the fan girls but I stopped questioning it.

"We should be friends, it'd be nice to have someone else who gets treated like this all the time."
I smiled as I stood up and held out my phone so he could put his number in, he took it and put his number in before handing it back to me with a grin on his face.

"Let's, you need to teach me how you spike sometime."
"That's going to mean I need you to play some games with me."
"If it'll help my spike then so be it."
"Oh don't be like that, it's meant to be fun, accuracy boost is a bonus."
I giggled seeing him stand up and look down at me with a sweet smile and a red hue on his face.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, the amount of protest screaming reached its max now.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tighter into himself.

"Put her down before you strangle her."
I heard Kuroo say from behind me, he sounded pissed. Oikawa smirked over my shoulder and chuckled at him.
"What is Angel your girlfriend or what?"
He teased as he let me go and grinned looking at Kuroo with a smug expression.
"She's not but she sure as hell wouldn't be with someone like you."
Kuroo scoffed while Oikawa just laughed seeing this display of jealousy.
"You sure?"
He taunted finally looking back down at me.

"I'm married to my game, so I want a nap."
I yawned seeing them both go pale and seemingly die for a moment at my answer.
"Kuroo can we go home now?"
I looked up at him and he seemed to gain his composure back while Oikawa now looked pissed.
"Im staying with Kenma while I'm here. Kuroo is just staying there as well."
I explained walking away from them both to go back to Kenma.

I sat down beside him and looked over his shoulder and saw him playing Zelda while Kuroo and Oikawa bickered.
I saw a ginger kid looking at me and Kenma.
"Oh hey Shoyo."
Kenma hummed as he kept playing and the kid kept bouncing uncontrollably.
"Calm down you moron!"
Another dude with black hair and blue eyes held his hand on the top of the gingers head.
I looked up at him and mouthed a 'thank you' while he seemed to try and smile back at me.

"My aim is what I rely on, if you want me to show you I can."
He described my spike as I stood up and noticed Kuroo and Oikawa still arguing.
They just happened to be on perfect position.

"Send me a set."
I said to the black haired kid, I moved back then dashed forward before bending backwards slightly to get more momentum and power on my swing before I slammed the ball between Kuroo and Oikawa.

"Oi dummies quit arguing already or the next one is going to knock some sense into the both of you."
I giggled seeing them both stare back at me before laughing with me.
"I use my back to get more power into my swing."
I said to the ginger, both him and the black haired kid were standing in awe, well so was the rest of the teams too.

"I want a nap."
I said looking at Kenma who finally looked up from his game.
"Let's go then."
He stood up reluctantly, while the rest of the team started getting ready to leave.

I rested my arms behind my head as I walked up to the still arguing Kuroo and Oikawa and I grabbed Kuroo and started walking out leaving a very annoyed Oikawa behind.

~Playboy~ |Kuroo x Reader|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu