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(Y/n) POV
(Outfit shown in cover)

Grim- are you going to be in the Pokémon nationals next week?

(Username)- I hope so I'm honestly not too confident this year.

Grim- I'm sure you'll be fine, you should stay here longer! It's nice having you here instead of needing a train ride.

(Username)- would I be able to stay at the team house?

Grim- of course you would! Elige just moved out, plus we would have room anyways.

(Username)- I'm gonna keep staying with Kenma for the time being, that means I have to go back to class again fml-_-

Grim- it's good for you! You'll be fine Angel.

(Username)- alright well when I find out if I can stay I'll tell you.

Grim- sounds good.

I closed my phone as I walked downstairs, Kuroo was rubbing Kenmas head and seemingly teasing him.
"I thought I said no banging."
Kenma said not really reacting much to Kuroos punishment.

"You heard that?!"
"I did."
Kuroo finally let go of Kenma and noticed me leaning up against the wall and smiling at them.
"Sorry Kenma, I told you I'll hook you up with my best friend."
I offered as his eyes went wide and he seemed mildly scared.
"Please don't."
He said while his face went back to his blank expression, Kuroo was just laughing his ass off at the situation.

"Well I have class with you both so come on."
I ushered while both of thier jaws dropped, granted Kenmas not by much but it was definitely there.
"You're going to school with us?"
"Yea Grim says it's good for me, so I guess I have to wear a uniform then don't I?"
I rolled my eyes at the thought since I hated school uniforms, they were just uncomfortable to be in.

"Yup Goodluck!"
Kuroo said enthusiastically since he was definitely excited to see me in a short skirt.
"Well I don't have one so I'll wear what I wore to my old school."
I just shrugged and walked back upstairs to get changed since we were probably running late.

I slid on my button up, some white thigh highs, and my skirt, it was fairly high waisted with a little flare at the bottom and of course it was short.
I walked back downstairs Kuroo was still pestering Kenma but he stopped when he saw me.

"T-that was your old uniform?!"
Kuroo stuttered out with wide eyes and a grin plastered on his face.
"Let's go, we'll be late."
Kenma ushered as he stood up and walked to the door, Kuroo and I followed behind him.
"Who's the hot chick?"
"What's with that uniform?"
"Damn she's drop dead gorgeous!"
"I dare you to talk to her!"
"She must be new!"
"H-how could someone be so pretty."
I sighed to myself as I walked through the halls, Kenma told me the principal's office was on the first floor and 5 rooms from the left.

Apparently I can't miss it.
I walked down and saw a large room with a sign that said principal's office, I walked in and saw a man talking with a few staff members.

"Excuse me, I'm incredibly sorry to interject."
I got their attention and they all turned to me, the people turned out to be the coaches of the volleyball team.
"Hey it's Angel!"
"What are you doing here?"
Their usual coach questioned, the principal seemed pleased that they knew me.
"I learned I'll be staying here for a while for my competitions, so my team suggested I enroll in class here."
I shrugged but smiled sweetly at them which seemed to kill the younger coach for a few moments.
"That would be fantastic!"
The principal boomed, I guess they coaches were telling him about me or something.
"I appreciate this greatly, thank you so much."
"It's no problem, these gentlemen were actually talking about you before you entered."
I knew it.
"Either way any praise coming from men of your status is something to be cherished."
I figured I needed to make a good impression on them, it seemed to work since they were all blushing furiously.
"You're definitely a charmer."
The principal praised as he chuckled with joy.

"Would it be alright if I just wore my uniform from my old school? I don't mind getting a new uniform but they had these tailored to us back home."
I motioned down to my uniform and they all kept a blush on their faces, I think I killed the principal for a few moments now.

"I don't mind it, it fits the dress code with the shirt and the skirt. It isn't too different so I believe it shouldn't be a problem. I will need to ask what classes you'll be attending."
"Oh I'm a second year, but I take college classes."
All of their jaws dropped once more with a depressed aura surrounding all of them.
"Y-you take college classes in high school?"
One of the coaches questioned since he was the first to gain his composure back.
"I do, so if you offer those I would love to take them but if not then I'll take usual third year classes."

I smiled with as much innocence I could muster to get them to allow me to take my usual classes.
"I will allow it, you may go to class with Kuroo and Kenma I believe you know them."
The principal boomed with another low chuckle but he seemed mildly nervous this time.

"Thank you all so much again, I can't sing enough praise about you kind and understanding you all are."
I complimented hoping I could just get to class already.
They all seemed to go red as tomatoes before shaking their heads to get composure back.
"Kuroo is in room 315, you may follow him around today."
The principal said and waved me off while the coaches seemed to be still shell shocked.

"Alright, I already love it here. Thank you."
I said waving behind me as I walked out.
I made it to the room that Kuroo was in, I knocked on the door and the teacher let me in with a surprised look on her face.
I heard the people all talking and whispering as soon as I entered.

"Woah that's the hot girl we saw earlier!"
"That uniform looks so hot on her!"
"You should talk with her!"
"Where's she from?"
I giggled to myself while the teacher ushered me over to her desk.
"You might you be?"
"Names (y/n) (l/n), I just transferred today."
I smiled at her while she just gave me a confused look.
"This is a third year class, you seem to be a second year."
"Oh yea the principal allowed me to take third year classes, I'm meant to be taking college courses but I don't believe you all teach them."

I explained as the whole class and the teacher gasped in awe of my statement, then there was Kuroo who was just chuckling to himself.
"R-Right! Well let's introduce you formally."
She stood up and motioned for me to stand next to her, I didn't see too much of a point in this since she had basically introduced me before.

"Hey I'm (y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you all."
I smiled and watched both the guys and girls blush again, I went to sit down with Kuroo before I slid my head down on the desk.

"What's wrong Angel?"
He questioned and I could've sworn I could hear the smirk in his voice.
I also could hear the guys around me whispering too.
"That's the pro gamer girl! She's called Angel!"
"No way! And she's that pretty?!"
"She's not called Angel for nothing!"
They whisper yelled since I guessed they assumed I couldn't hear them.
"I'm fine Kuroo, just remind me to sleep for a week when I get home."
I sighed as he just relaxed back in his chair.

"Not gonna happen Angel you're staying for our practice game with Karasuno today."
He said with his signature grin and a thumbs up as I just giggled softly.
"For a 'big bad volleyball captain' you're still cute."
I watched his face go slightly pink as I heard the jealous protests from most of the guys in the classroom.
"Yo Angel!! What are you doing here?!"
It was Yamamoto he burst through the door much to the teacher dismay and sat down in front of me then turned around.

"I'm attending class here now."
I watched his face drop and this whole time it sounded like he was trying incredibly hard to sound confident.
"W-Wait really?!"
He finally snapped from his thought, it did take me literally snapping in front of his face but it worked eventually.

"Yea should be fun."
I smiled but I did feel Kuroo glaring at me while I talked with Yamamoto.

~Playboy~ |Kuroo x Reader|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin