When I heard that I started to get nervous. The man went on to laugh. He gave me the impression that my life was going to be haunted by him. He came next to me and looked into my eyes, and I started screaming. I know he's going to torture me or something. He was about to hit my head, but Minjun  stopped it. I can't hear what they were saying, but the  man left with him.

In the silence, I was left alone. Droplets of sweat were streaming down my head and body. My nose went red and I felt a frost. I realised that I had to leave by all means. Before I  need to find a way to untie the cords, I heard chaos outside the room. I bagged to myself that Sehun knew where I was and rescued me. "Please save me Sehun," I whispered.


Flashback few hours ago

Just right after I got kidnapped,  Suho was still waiting for Ara and Hana to join him for lunch at the cafeteria.

Hana in the other hand was walking out from her tennis practice.

"See you guys bye tomorrow for the festival event," she waved her goodbye and headed to the hallway. She saw something unusual and strange as she walked. She paused to look at it. It was a phone . She picked it up on the hard floor.

"Why Ara 's phone just sitting here ... this is weird," she said, very puzzled.
She put two and two together. Something must have happened to Ara, she said to herself as she walked quickly to the cafeteria to inform Suho what had happened.

"Suho do you know where Ara is?" she asked.

"No, why?" he said, eating his bread.

"I found her phone in the hallway ... something could happen to her ..." she explained, sitting next to him.

"What do you think happened?" he asked.

"I don't know she could have been abducted by anyone," she responded.

"Are you 100 % positive that Hana is?" Suho said he began to feel concerned.

"I don't know it was a hutch," she said.

"This is sort of strange, don't you think ... who you think knows what happened to her," Hana said to Suho.

As Suho about to talk, someone came to them unannounced. The girl have short brown hair wearing glasses approach them. They both turned to her.

"Umm you guys are friends with Ara right... I think I saw her... She got into a car forcely and drove off... I was scared they might do something to me so I keep it quiet then I saw you two here... here a note of the car plate number" she said nervously at them and walked away.

"So I was right then" Hana said.
"Wait ... that Sehun eating with his friends, we should tell him what happened," Suho said, dragging Hana to Sehun 's table just two rows away from them.

As they were walking towards their table. There were four other guys. One was sitting next to Sehun playing video games on his phone. He has a rectangular grin when he smiles and he wears dark eyeliners with his bangs covering his eyebrows.

"Hey Chanyeol I want the last fries" Baekhyun said.

"Well you should eat them when there were a lot of them before and stopped playing that game of yours and eat you been playing that game for the whole lunch break" He said continuing eating. He is Chanyeol I believe Kai might have mentioned him before. I remember him Because of his big ear no wait yoda ears.

The other guys who is sitting in front of them was someone with a square-ish face with high cheekbones as he trolled the others at the table.  Last but not least is Kai. The handsome guy that Hana have a crush on but doesn't want to admitted it.

"As long as you two don't finished my chicken then it's fine" Kai said happily.

As we reached their table. They were so bickering and chaotic that Hana and Suho can't believe the food was still there in peace.

"Oh Hana you're here" Kai looked at Hana.

"H-hi Kai I need to talk to Sehun" Hana said ignoring him .

"Oh ok" He said.

"Jealous much" Chanyeol chuckled but Kai hit him back.

"You're girlfriend got Kidnapped Sehun" Hana and Suho said at the same time. All their faces were surprised from the sudden news.

"What?" Sehun said surprised and started to get worried.

"Not again" Chanyeol said out of nowhere.

"Why you said that?" Sehun asked while the others looked at him.

"Remember Nam Yi Soo... Got Kidnapped by her enemy maybe someone kidnapped her too... No offence Chen... We just need to know who is her enemy or who hate  her" Chanyeol replied.

"None taken"Chen said.

" Well We only got this... a note"Hana said while headed Sehun the note.

"Well guys  let's save Ara... who's with me" Sehun shouted.

"Well We're in" Hana and Suho said.

"Who are we saving again?" Baekhyun said still glued to his phone.

"Sehun girlfriend... Ara" Chanyeol hit him playfully.

"Ara Stay safe. I will find you" sehun said to himself.


What will happen next stay tuned to find out. Vote and comment it means a lot.

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