Mine Forever

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"Bill?" I asked, not realizing how loud my voice was. I quickly covered my mouth, realizing she had heard me.

The tall woman turned to look at me. Her beauty was indescribable. Not a single flaw in her face. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes glimmered with delight as they settled on me. "Ah, Y/N, you're awake. I was just attempting to make you some food."


"Oh, yes. This." She gestured to her body. "This is the real me. The non triangle me."

"I thought-we all thought-"

"That I was a man? No. Although, I do give off that feeling and everything in history says I'm a man, I am not. Willamina Cipher, at your service. My friends call me Bill or Billy."

"What am I doing here?"

"Oh, yes. I decided to bring you here to stay with me for all eternity."

"So you kidnapped me? And you expect me to stay her forever?"

"Kidnap is such a strong word. I prefer to call it, moving you in without your consent."

"So kidnapping." I sighed. "Let me go home. Now."

"No. You're mine now. I'm not letting you go."

I shook my head. "Let me go. Or I will leave myself."

"Good luck with that. You're not in your world. You're in mine. So what I say goes. And you're staying here."

"No. I'm not-"

With a wave of her hand, Billy had me pinned against the wall by her powers. She neared me slowly with a smirk.

"You can't run. You can't hide. You're in my home. My rules." She put her index finger under my chin and angled my face so I was looking up at her. "You. Are. Mine. Forever. Mine to use as I please. You will learn your place here. I will be sure of it. If it takes a little discipline to do so, so be it." She leaned down so her face was merely millimeters away from mine. Her lips lightly grazed over mine. "And we both know how my discipline goes, don't we, Princess."

I blushed deeply and pulled my face away from hers. "Don't call me that. You're not my girlfriend."

"Oh, but I will be. Believe me." She smirked. "Now, go sit at the table. Breakfast is ready." She moved so I could go sit down. I sat in a black leather chair. She brought over a plate of pancakes. "I had made bacon, but I burnt it, so I hope just pancakes is ok."

I picked up a fork. "It's fine." I knew if I was rude or didn't eat, she wasn't going to be as charitable. I slowly cut up the pancakes and ate them. "If I may, how are you alive?"

"Oh, that's easy. I spoke a spell right before I died. It made it to where I could come back when the right person found me. I made the spell so if a member of the Pines bloodline or your bloodline touched me, I would come back. And wouldn't you know it, you found me. I heard every word you said. Even before you brought me back."

I shook my head. "You heard what I said?"

"Yep. Every word about how you hated me for falling in love with someone who wasn't real. Including the pare where you missed me."

"I never said I missed you. I said that I missed the person she was."

"Which was me. So, you missed me."

"Believe me, I would never miss you. You tried killing my friends and taking over my home. You caused me so much pain that I could never forgive you for."

"Oh, you're referring to the little possession stunt I pulled on your now ex girlfriend, correct? Do you even know what deal she made with me? What she wanted in return?"

"No. It never came up in conversation. I didn't feel like asking after she broke up with me."

"She asked me for a way of escaping the relationship. Even if only for a little while. So I gave it to her. I possessed her for her side of the deal and mine. So now, here we are. The demon who broke her only rule and the girl she broke it with. Neither really liking each other, but both finding the other irresistible."

My cheeks turned bright red once again as I stared down at my food. "No. I don't-"

"Don't try lying to me. I can read your mind, Princess." 

"How? I didn't let you in-"

"No, but you're in my world. So, unless you find a way to shut me out, I'd watch what you think. Don't want to get me upset, do you?"

"As if I care how you feel. I don't care how you feel about anything. You're a monster who hurts people to no end. If you think making me stay here will change that, you are gravely mistaken." I was surprised when the look on her face didn't change. "You are nothing to me, but a bad dream. I really just wish you would have stayed dead." I stood up from the table. As I made my way to the door, I heard Billy grab my plate. I tried to turn the doorknob of the kitchen door, but the door wouldn't budge. "What? Why isn't the door opening?"

"Because it's locked."

"Why is it locked? Did you lock it?"

"Who else here could have locked it?"

"Why did you lock it?"

"Because I need you to hear me out. Because you sit here and assume things that are not true. You sit here angry about everything that you think I was trying to hurt you with. I never tried to hurt you. I was protecting you. I was the one who was always protecting you."

"How? How could you be protecting me?"

"Before I turned to stone, I was watching to make sure you didn't get hurt. During Weirdmageddon, I made sure everyone and everything stayed away from you. I made sure you stayed out of harm's way. You were the only person I didn't want to get hurt. I needed to keep you safe."

"Why? Because I'm some sort of special person? Give me a break."

"You may not believe me, but I do care about you."

"Great. A flying triangle who possessed my ex actually cares. How sweet." Venom laces my voice as I made my sarcastic comment.

"Just go. Go back to your room or something."

"Fine. I will."

Fem!Bill Cipher x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now